New to this site

mrsmikejones07 Posts: 1
edited 2:19PM in Introduce Yourself
Hiya!! I am new to myfitnesspal but not new to trying to accomplish a lifestyle change. I have been on Sparkpeople for a very long time and I am starting over with a renewed will so I figured to start over with a new site as well. My husband just recently told me that we wants to renew our vows next year. (June 2012) This is another motivation to finally get rid of this weight. I'm looking for friends who I can motivate and they can motivate as well. Talk to you all soon!


  • Hi welcome!,

    I'm fairly new to this site and I'm loving it! It's great. You can add me as a friend!

    Monica A.
  • cliddy423
    cliddy423 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am new as well, but not new to the whole diet/lifestyle change thing. Apparently I haven't quite caught on to the whole lifestyle thing yet, as I keep coming back to different sites for help. However, actually joining the communitites and making friends is a new step. I'm hoping by building relationships with other people "in the fight" it will be the missing key. I am greatly motivated (for about the first 2 wks of trying), so having some buddies, I think, will help. TTYL
  • birdiet903
    birdiet903 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. Today is my first day. Happy to meet all of you and looking forward to tracking our progress together. I have about 50 pounds to lose but I don't want to rush it. Every summer I lose 10 pounds for a vacation and then gain it right back when I come back. I'm looking to do some long-term lifestyle changes.
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