SBF, Reboot Boogaloo, Aug 1



  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    V, ugh. That's awful about your car getting messed up! :mad: So sorry that happened. I could comment more but that would get me on a soapbox. I hope the money comes up so you can still get away this month.

    Mary, did you get the toilets fixed?

    Livi, I was in the limbo mode shortly after I found out we were moving. I think it's shock. :laugh: And I have a lot of stuffed animals too (and hot wheels cars that I don't let Alex play with. :wink: ). The kids do get to play with the stuffed animals. In fact I have a 4 foot stuffed white tiger that's been in the closet for years because I haven't had room for it. I will at the new house! A date won it for me at Seaworld when I was 19 so it's 16 years old. I don't mind if it's in Miss I's room but I do not want kids climbing all over it. It's full of those little beads that will make a huge mess. So now you ladies know what's in my closet. :laugh:

    Happy birthday to my daughter today! She's five. I wish she was here and she could have been but it's okay. I hope they are doing something for her to celebrate. I'm not sure they are. There are so many kids I don't know how they would keep up.

    The maintenance guy is coming out to fix a couple of problems with the doors breaking. He said the leak in the kitchen would have to wait till we move out. He said it sounds like the A/C drain is plugged up, and then it goes to another pipe which is probably plugged up, and in that case it goes into the plumbing and causes problems. He will look at it but I don't think there's anything that can be done. Oh well. It's just one more week! :bigsmile: (I think I'm abusing my smiley privileges again.)
    My leg was hurting last night again so it must be from standing so much and doing squats while cleaning the blinds. I'll try to stretch it some today to see if that helps again. I am planning on working in the garage this morning for a bit and then cleaning more windows and blinds, and empty cabinets. And I will get some more packing done too.

    More of the same boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs.

    Today I have to work, and have a raging case of the don't wannas. But, I will.

    Plan of attack:
    Work for three sessions, with whatever the monkey makes me do in between.:wink: Eat the food that is in the house. Drink lots of water. Between the acupunctue and the yoga yesterday I feel a bit detox-y, if that makes sense. . .like the bad gunk is moving out of my system. A bit sore in my joints and headachey. This usually means I need a lot of water and to move slowly for the day.

    I was doing OK being a temporarily single person, but now I am super ready for my husband to come home.:frown: It's funny how a few days are "hey, the house is quiet and I can do whatever I want and I don't have to pick up any socks. (what is it with socks?)" and then it quickly becomes "I have something cool I want to share with someone and he's not here. Boo to it." Ah, the perils of actually really, really liking the person you're married to.:tongue:

    Yesterday I kind of had a money falling out of the sky moment. I got an email from one of the credit card companies saying "did you know that you have enough airmiles to fly anywhere in North America?" and I thought "no, I didn't. . .and I was just trying to figure out how the heck I was going to go to a very important event I need for dissertation research." So, my flight is booked and didn't cost me anything! Yay!

    Sorry, novel. I hope that everybody's packing and dealing with workmen goes well today.:smile:

    Hey, CP! Check in! We miss you!

    Get to work, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    MM- Hah, well I guess I can feel better about my stuffed animals then! :bigsmile: Some of them are special because my Dad sent them to me when I was younger, but others are just cheap little things I picked up on a whim because they were cute. So the latter will probably end up being packed away in the new house til kiddies come along. :smile:

    Mary- Hope your cats calm down! My cat loves when people come around to fix something, she gets super curious. In fact the only thing that really bothers her is other animals, I think because we found her as a stray and probably fought a lot.

    V- LOL! I totally understand what you mean about the socks. :laugh: It's horrible that someone would do that to your car though. :frown:

    So. After the giant pane of glass fell and shattered in our second bedroom yesterday I became rather unproductive. :grumble: I'm just glad it didn't fall about 30 seconds sooner. When I was standing RIGHT under it. Or a couple months ago when my aunt slept below it. :noway:

    Apparently, this pane was installed without the "secure double-sided tape that is a very safe design." I don't know, maybe I'm the only one who thinks its kind of stupid to have a giant pane of glass (untempered, by the way) with nothing more than double-sided tape a bit of cheap caulking to secure it? :ohwell:

    Soooo glad to be moving out of here. They spend a lot of time "prettifying" the complex, so it's not noticeable how crappy these apartments actually are until you're in a lease. :angry:

    Still feeling funky, and annoyed by it. And still trying to get back in complete control of the eating thing. And not be depressed by the scale. I hate seeing the 160's rear its head again. I don't care if i stay at 159 for weeks, I just want to stay in the 150's!

    Get in control, boogaloo. :heart:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I'm a single person this weekend. Charlie is up in Dallas for the unveiling of the "Spirit of Dallas" airplane; his great-grandfather flew that plane. MM, did you know there was an aviation museum in big D? I didn't. It's near Love Field.

    The toilets flush now, but like everything you get done to an old house, something else needs to be done. We have to get the cleanout pipe raised to ground level, so if it backs up again, we don't have to go searching for it. I'm thinking about getting a new faucet in the kitchen as well. The last plumbers weren't the sharpest and the faucet leaks and only runs cold and lukewarm.

    The new attic insulation is already making a difference. The AC doesn't have to work quite as hard. When we get the solar panels, we are buying a toy to go along with it where you can measure your energy use in real time (and, yes, you can connect it to your iphone). I would have liked to see the difference.

    Today: morning bike ride. I'm not sure what the afternoon holds. Probably a walk. I finally found a t.v. sitcom I like (Big Bang Theory). I need a break from yoga, I'm sore.

    House doings, boogaloo
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Mary, how are the cats after the drama yesterday?:wink:

    V, were you able to get your work sessions in?And that's great about your flight being "paid" for!

    Livi, I wonder if the people who own your apartment complex also own this house we are in. :laugh: Glad we are both moving out!

    Today is a busy day and now DH wants to throw a monkey wrench (literally) in it by taking his car to the shop for the overheating. It would be fine but the place is 30 minutes away so we'd lose two hours of cleaning time ( to go drop off and pick up, assuming it got fixed today). Our cooler morning hours are already slipping away and he doesn't seem to be in a hurry which makes me not want to hurry either. Done griping.
    I am sore from yesterday and I actually felt sore right away instead of the delayed two days later kind of sore. So yay, I am getting a workout in! Goals today: get camaro ready to drive 2.4 miles (requires installation of seat and seatbelt, and replacing light bulbs to make sure we have brake lights etc.), pack up the garage, move all the already packed boxes downstairs, and pack things that we do not need for a week or can do without. Makes me wish I hadn't packed the plastic cups. Doh! I'd also like to get the backyard cleaned up (not that bad) and...whatever else we can get done, if we manage all of that.
    Alex was dry heaving a bit yesterday which scared me. I think he was hot and dehydrated. Today he's staying in the house and watching movies if need be. Steve and I will be downing the water as much as we can.

    Staying hydrated boogaloo!
    MM (why do I always sign off? You know who I am. :laugh: )
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs.

    I think my brain is broken.:tongue: I only wrote about half a page total yesterday. I am having fits being productive on this chapter, so today I am switching gears entirely, and working on the portion of my intro that I may or may not be presenting at a v. Important conference in Nov. Then, I intend to rest a bit before venturing out to (gulp) a party where I know only the host this evening. I think I need some time among other humans, and they are likely to be smart types, as the host is super cool.

    I think I'm suffering a bit from :noway: "no way can it be three weeks until September" shell shock. My "what will be my job assignment, and how long will I have to wait to be given it this year?" anxiety is ramping up, and that's getting in the way of my work despite my best efforts.

    Other than that mess, I intend to do the monkey stuff in between work sessions (yesterday involved jumping, and I wasn't able to do it all, only about half.) then rest then party.

    Please August, slow down, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I'm trying to get ready in a hurry today. I want to get on the bike before it gets too hot. I was up semi-late yesterday (11:30). I wanted to take a longer bike ride today and go to a downtown bakery (for bread, not dessert:tongue: ). It's a longish ride - 14+ miles, but it will take a bit, because it's on city streets.

    Yesterday, I signed up for: a 50 mile bike ride and the Austin Yoga Festival. They are the same day. There isn't a crazy, lunatic emoticon, so please picture it here. Actually the AYF is both Saturday and Sunday, but I bought the weekend pass. I also signed up for a 28 mile warm up ride two weeks before the 50 mile. Of course it could rain (please picture another crazy, lunatic emoticon).

    Crazy, lunatic, boogaloo
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Sunday, pebbs.

    Mary, you are crazy, and I am jealous.:tongue:

    MM and Livi, how goes the moving prep?

    Well, yesterday was a do-over, work-wise. I ended up deciding that I needed a day off for brain recharging purposes, so I took it. I think I need just a bit of percolation time. Today is meeting here, a trip to the pet store (so a short walk) and some light cleaning. I ended up having a lovely time at the party, getting in a cab at 2:45:noway: .

    Now I have to get to work.

    Let the do-over begin, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    V, I love your Mary comment. :laugh: Mary, you are crazy but in a good way. :wink:
    Livi, how are you doing?

    It's a busy day. We went to church and then had lunch with Steve's brother and family. They live about an hour or so away but we only see them once or twice a year. So sad. We're hoping to have them over after we get Irina settled in. Now we need to set up a time to meet with his sister and family who also live about an hour away and we only see once or twice a year.
    We have about an hour before we leave for the church meeting tonight. Sounds boring. A meeting. But it's not a business meeting. It's a fellowship. We got to a Calvary Chapel, which have churches all over the world. It has a nickname of Calorie Chapel because Calvary's usually have potlucks and food fellowships all the time. :wink: Most churches do I suppose.
    I declared today a day off. I am sore, but in a good way, and I have bruises all over my body from moving things. :laugh: I actually have a big one on my right calf which is making me wonder if I did something to it and that's why it was hurting for ten days. The bruise just showed up about 3-4 days ago though. My legs are doing better, thankfully! I may even do the gorilla work out tomorrow if packing doesn't wear me out.
    My mom texted and wants to know if coming up to help us move would be a help or if they would just get in the way. I've never had to tell my mom not to come up. I've always wanted her to come up, but I have a feeling it would just cause more stress and she and my brothers have never been known to really be a big help. That sounds awful. They might keep Alex busy and out from under our feet but I think I can also send him to a friend's house while the moving is going on. I think I will tell her no. I could use her help during the week to pack or unpack but I think during the move would not help. We have church people helping so we're covered.
    A much needed rest boogaloo.