SAHM 8/1-8/31

Welcome!! We are a fabulous group of Stay at Home Moms that support each other through our weightloss and the most important job....being a mom! We welcome all newcomers, join in any time, we would love to get to know you! :flowerforyou:

Since the summer months has us slowed down, we are starting monthly threads instead of weekly threads.

Previous Thread:


  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Continue from the previous thread:

    Shoppie-Congrats on reaching your 30 lb lost!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    KC-Sounds like you are enjoying summer, I've yet to go swimming, but I refused to buy a swimsuit this year, only bc I want to see how good I look next year, when I have reached my goal for our Florida vacation! :bigsmile:

    Katie-I can't wait for my daughter to go back. Her first day is Aug. 25th. We've had a pretty good summer, but I'm ready! LoL.

    I failed 2 of my summer challenges, I didn't reach the goals, but I am more motivated that I was before. This month both hubby and I have agreed to have some new goals and get more motivated. More than ever am I ready! I didn't lose my 10 lbs I was hoping for in July, so I am hoping to lose 5 lbs this month (I'm cutting my goal is half and see what happens). I have also decided to have daily goals, to help keep me motivated, here are my goals for today:

    Fitness goals:
    1. Bike ride (weather permitting)
    2. Ab circle Pro
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water (I can usually get 6 in, that last one, kills me)

    Non-Fitness Goals:
    1. Keep hubby motivated
    2. Organize the living area
    3. Get laundry put away

    Will try to check in later tonight. Have a great day everyone! Don't forget to drink that water!! :drinker:
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    I am a SAHM, although tecnnically I do in-home daycare, does that exclude me from SAHM status?

    I have 2 girls 13 & 8 and a 3 year old son. The three keep me on my toes, not to mention the other 7 I have M-F.
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 228 Member
    I would like to join if I can - I am a stay at home Mum too - In my 30s in the UK - please add me as a friend :)
  • mindyrenee81
    mindyrenee81 Posts: 67 Member
    Hello! I would like to join in on this thread! I am a stay at home mom of three beautiful children. I have two boys ages 13 and 12 ( my 12 year old just turned 12 today!). I have a little girl (my only) shes 7. I have been married for 11 years and my husband is deploying in September.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Welcome Mindy, Imustbegood, and oneheticmom! Feel free to add any of us or all of us as your friends. Here we are very helpful in helping everyone reach their goals, keeping motivated, and sometimes we all whine on here too :smile:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Copied from the other thread as I had forgotten it was in fact August :blushing: Welcome Mindy, Imustbegood, and oneheticmom! Imustbegood - I'm in the UK too (Surrey) :drinker:

    Barb - you def sound very motivated, so I'm really glad the challenges helped with that. I must admit, I have found the 30 day slimdown I joined very helpful, I feel like I made a commitment to other people (not just myself) and don't want to let anyone down, that really helps spur me on when I don't feel like it

    The rest is copied from the other thread as I had forgotten it was in fact August :blushing: katieM - great news re: being a lunchtime supervisor, that is a popular job here as although it doesn't pay loads it fits perfectly round school age kids flowerforyou Feels odd to me you are only finding out now who the new teachers are, in the UK they are told at the back end of the summer term and have a trial day in their new class. But then we don't return to scholl until 5th Sept, so still about 5 weeks to go.

    KC - hey, great to hear from you! drinker

    Nicole - I have huge respect for anyone who homeschools, I really don't think that I could do it, my patience is stretched to the limit just being a parent!! ooh, I had forgotten you are in Vermont, I've actually been to Vermont, we went to the Ben & Jerry's factory! It was fall so it was absolutely beautiful (Vermont that is, not so much the factory! laugh ) we did a tour of New England, it was absolutely fantastic and I def want to take my kids on one when they are older.

    I have had a bad few days food-wise, but eercising lots so will see what weigh-in brings tomorrow...
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Hello ladies!

    It has been a while since I've checked in here. I met my goal in June and have stayed with in 2 pounds of it since. I decided last week to push to lose 5 more and see if that makes much difference. I have been quite sloppy in my eating habits the past 2 days, we had a cookout and there were cookies and chips sitting around so...yeah I've eaten them several of them in fact. I am now weaning back off the sugar high, it is TOM however so that makes it more difficult. For some reason the cramping and swelling has been worse this time than has been in a long time.

    My teenagers go back to school Aug. 16 and 17th . Lucy starts preschool after Labor Day in Sept. It seems like it's only been a couple of weeks since school let out not almost time to go back already!

    I am also on the countdown to my big 4-0 birthday Sept. 8th. Unfortunately my husband has a big project due 2 days after my birthday so the couple of weeks before and after will be a frenzied mess here. I am hoping to at least manage a dinner out my birthday weekend. I am also hoping the remaining 5 pounds are gone by then too.

    I hope you are doing well and thriving on your journey to health and wellness.

  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Here's another one for you all, hehe

    A wife asked her husband to describe her. He looked at her, then said, "You're A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K". She asks, "What does that mean"? He said, "Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful, Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot". She smiled and said, "Oh, that's sweet, but what about 'I, J, K' "? He said, "I'm Just Kidding' ". His eye is still swollen, but it will get better ... Repost if you LOL (like I did)
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Barb-How did you do with your goals today? I've been having a hard time with water too-because I've been drinking too much tea!

    Shoppie-We live about 20 minutes from the Ben and Jerry's Factory! We love Vermont. DH grew up in Essex and I'm from NY, so it was quite a change for us, but we love it here. As for the homeschooling-we haven't officially started yet, but we're working on adding a few things here and there. We'll see how it goes. :laugh:

    Hi Holly! Welcome back!!!

    Also, welcome to all the new ladies!!

    Ugh, DH was off today and we were awful with the food. A/C does nothing good for my eating habits, that's for sure. I'm still 5 pounds up from my lowest weight of 166 in May, but I feel much heavier because I'm not toned anymore. I don't know why I'm having such a difficult time getting back on the horse, but I am. Daily goals sound pretty good Barb. I may have to make some for myself. My Mom has recently quit smoking (after 33 years) and her goal is to make it through each day without giving in, so maybe I need to look at it like that, instead of where I want to be in the end. I hope everyone had a great day!
    -Goals for tomorrow, do BFBM, and drink my water. We're walking in the morning as well.
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Hope all are doing well! My week went well last was super busy with the camp I was running at church and having a houseguest, but it is back to just the three of us now, so I am soaking up the calm. We are leaving for our "vacation" on Thursday, so I have to relax now before that starts. Tried my first Zumba class last night and had a blast! The hour was over before I knew it and I was drenched with sweat.

    Barb--I hated swimming last year because I was so unhappy with how I looked. This year, I found a cute vintage-inspired suit and soaked up the rays :) I have found that going in the pool helps to keep me a little more active too--I could be hanging out inside in the AC to keep cool, or I can go outside and get a mini-workout playing with T in there and keeping cool at the same time.

    Shoppie--Good to hear about all the great progress you have made!!

    Catch up with all of you ladies later!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    PNC-Here is how I did with my goals yesterday, Fitness goals:
    1. Bike ride -Got a 2.45 mile ride in this evening
    2. Ab circle Pro -Doing it when hubby leaves for work-done
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water (I can usually get 6 in, that last one, kills me)-Got 10 in today!!

    Non-Fitness Goals:
    1. Keep hubby motivated -So far so good
    2. Organize the living area -Got it half way done
    3. Get laundry put away-Done!

    KC-Another reason I haven't gone swimming, where I live we have like 2 public pools and they are always full, of esp the high school kids and stuff, and we haven't been to any of the lakes around here bc of no vacation time, so I just told myself, I would wait til next year when we have our vacation :) But I will be keeping my eye open for some cute ones!

    Getting ready to go walk this morning with a friend, my daily goals for today and pretty close to yesterday.

    Goals for Aug. 2
    Fitness Goals:
    1. Bike ride
    2. Ab circle pro
    3.Drink 8 glasses of water
    4. Do one of my workout videos

    Non-Fitness Goals:
    1. Finish cleaning the living area
    2. Put dishes away
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Hi KC!

    Barb-Good job!

    I did my workout this morning for 23 minutes, and so far today I've had 4 glasses of water. We went to the bike path for our walk, but a thunderstorm rolled in so we just came home. Hopefully we'll take a walk around the block later today.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~My four oldest start school on August 22nd. They are in 5th, 4th, 2nd and 1st. My fifth will be starting preschool in Sept. not sure of the actual date yet. They should be sending us something about when we start within the next couple of weeks. One of my friends homeschools her children and my brother in law and sister homeschool their children. I am with Shoppie I need that time away to "recoup".:laugh:

    Shoppie-Here they don't find out their teacher until the last month or so before school starts. It really just depends on each school and the principal. The trial class sounds nice but we don't have that here either.

    Welcome to all the newcomers! Chime in whenever you want.

    I can't remember which one said something about having a home day care and does that still qualify as SAHM status. Well I still consider myself a SAHM. I work 10 hours a week outside of the home and come school starting that will be upped to 13 hours a week. For me I am a SAHM at heart and that is what matters.

    Barb~Way to go on the goals. You are a great example. I need to make daily goals again. Maybe I will be able to actually get some stuff done if I do. LOL love the joke!

    Well I got to go. I have tons to do and I am not getting it done sitting here. :laugh:
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    It is amazing how Barb can get so much done. I have a successful day if I get everyone fed, changed & they leave clean. We do preschool activities & it makes getting lunch on the table on time a real challenge some days.
    I do my workout class at 5AM so I can get cleaned up before the kids arrive at 6:45... then it is full speed until 5:30.

    School starts 8-22 here as well. I can't wait for the girls to go back to school... then dance starts & the real fun begins. We are at the studio 4 nights a week. Maybe I am ok with summer for a little while longer.
  • tallteacher
    tallteacher Posts: 74 Member
    Yay! A group of SAHM's! :) Love it! I'm a 44 year old former teacher, who now stays at home with my 2 year old daughter while home schooling my 9 year old son. I also babysit a 1 year old 3 days a week, tutor in the evenings,and oversee placement of exchange students in the area. Whew! My biggest challenge is staying motivated to work out. I hate to sweat. I hate to get up early. I hate everything about excersising. I'm hoping to find support here and perhaps motivation. I log on every day - and could use some friends (I only have one friend on MFP). Please add me if you'd like! Hope to get to know you soon! Tamie
    PS - I just started this journey yesterday. :)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome tallteacher :flowerforyou:

    KatieM7 - I consider myself a SAHM too, and in Jan I will be returning to working 4 days per week in a corporate role, but I am a SAHM at heart so intend to stay on this thread!! :bigsmile:

    Barb - I'm very impressed with your goals! My goal reminas getting my exercise in, as onehectic mom said other than that if everyone is fed and watered I'm pretty impressed with myself! I do think a lot depends on the age of your kids as to how much else you can get done, as all 3 of mine are 5 and under and of course DD is only 5 months they are very dependent on me for everything, there is always soeone yelling for food/ drink/ help to get on the loo/ their bum wiped etc!! :laugh:

    Well I managed to lose 1 lb this week, but have been awful again today, I think I feel I 'got away' with being quite bad last week or something, not sure what is up with my head? I have been wondering whether maybe AF is on her way back as my skin is bad, and DD has almost dropped her last night feed at 10 pm, taking her down to just 4 feeds per day, my AF hs actually usually returned by now - guess I shall see in time! I remember vguely from when I had the boys that my hormones were all over the shop as my body kept trying to get back to normal until finally AF returned. I have at least done plenty of exercise, over an hour gardening, BFBM, feeding baby and a fair bit of walking as DD had a hospital appointment. I really need to get my eating back in check though.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    onehecticmom~I know how you feel! I do not have a daycare in my home but sometimes I feel like I do. LOL I have 7 children of my own from the ages of 10 to almost 2. It is crazy in my home during the day. It is a wonder if I can get stuff done around the house. When I babysit for my friends I have 13-14 children in my home. Way to go on getting up so early to exercise. I couldn't do that.

    tallteacher~Welcome! I remember what it was like to hate every thing about exercise. :) Then came all the attention from the hubby and the way it made me feel and now I LOVE it! lol However that might be part of the reason we have so many children. lol

    Shoppie~I remember all too well what it was like to have them all dependent on me for everything. Now my 3 and 4 year old are very independent. Sometimes that can be frustrating. They leave me even bigger messes to clean from their independence. :P Way to go on the loss. Man take advantage of not having to go through the monthly. The longest that I ever went after having a baby was 7 months and that was because that child was a really good nurser. She loved to eat. Now however she is one of my pickiest eaters. Go figure.

    Well I ended up not feeling well for part of Tues and all of Wed. So I did not get any exercise or even anything done in the house. Today I am hoping to get a good laundry day in. I really need to get caught up on it. Well better go the washer is calling my name.
  • I want to join! I am a SAHM of 4 kids between 5 and 9. Please add me!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Welcome Tallteacher!

    Shoppie-I always feel like I could eat everything in the house during TOM. I was lucky with both of mine though because I didn't get AF until around 12 months for each. DD nursed to 16 months and DS was 18 months. Though he truly weaned earlier and would just have a quick sip in the morning. LOL! I used to joke it was like his coffee!

    Katie-I hope you caught up on laundry! Well, as caught up as laundry can get. We're only 4 and have a constant Mount Washmore. I did mine today too because it was sunny out and they're predicting rain for the next 4 days.

    So today I had a terrible day foodwise because DH found out he was promoted! I can't tell anyone, apart from family, on FB because some of his co-workers are on there and they don't know yet. I had to come here!! LOL!! We got the call at breakfast this morning and this was his third (and he had decided final) attempt, so we're pretty pleased though we're not looking forward to the longer hours he'll be working. He's currently a department manager in a supermarket, but not he'll be a store manager trainee. We ordered pizza at lunch to celebrate and had leftovers for dinner. Tomorrow I'll be back to oatmeal. :)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Aw, what fantastic news Nicole, congratulations to your DH! :bigsmile:

    Katie - urgh, I hate laundry it is literally never ending! Hope you won the battle albeit probably not the war! Sorry you felt unwell too, hope you are properly better now :flowerforyou:

    Welcome britneeb23 :flowerforyou:

    Its definitely my hormones, I can tell for sure now, though who knows when AF will finally actually get here. I can't use it as an excuse though, I'm working so hard at the exercise but my eating right now is really letting me down :frown: