Guys Blondes or Brunettes?



  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    Why label this "guys." Of course we women can't ignore anything! Lol

    Personally, idk what hair color he has, or if he even has hair! Salt n pepper is sexy tho!
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I have no preference other than women who say "Yes".
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I have no preference other than women who say "Yes".

    Yes, there's something to be said about the attractiveness to a woman who likes you back. I like brunettes but I'm probably going to be more attracted to a blonde who's hot for me than a brunette that wants nothing to do with me. :laugh:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My husband prefers brunettes. Red heads are his least favorite. So glad I'm a true brunette!
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    My husband's previous girlfriends were blondes with blue eyes...he married me, a brunette with brown eyes. :) My hubby digs the Native American appearance. The long dark hair, dark eyes and naturally tan skin. :)
  • My hair color isn't a choice so maybe I don't count. :tongue: I prefer dark haired men.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    blondes mating call "im drunk"
    brunettes mating call "is that damn blonde gone yet"?

    we are all beautiful.
  • RJSuperMan
    RJSuperMan Posts: 52 Member
    Attitude, attitude, attitude. Hair color's irrelevant for me; every woman knows how to turn on the charms of them all! The question is are you giving her the reason to?

    I love all of the "my husband prefers...." lol. (I don't think he has a choice)
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    Doesn't matter to me.


    Hair color is way down on the list.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    It does not matter at all,it is the person and her hair just compliments who she is at heart. :smile:
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    Any. A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. Hair color doesn't matter.

    Awww thats sweet :flowerforyou:
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    It does not matter at all,it is the person and her hair just compliments who she is at heart. :smile:

    This is sweet too!! :flowerforyou:
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    Doesn't matter to me.


    Hair color is way down on the list.

    *LIKE* :smile:
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Hair color doesn't matter, it all looks the same in the dark.
  • dHowe4406
    dHowe4406 Posts: 114
    Of the two I would say Brunettes, but I love Redheads.
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    As a natural redhead who was picked on at school by for having red hair, I find it very interesting how many of my male friends from school who all went for the blondes have since married redheads or have admitted that they found me attractive....seems it's not cool to admit you like a redhead in the teen years when peer pressure is a factor! I never had a boyfriend til I was 16 ( and he has since married another redhead!!) and spent YEARS dyeing my hair all colours to hide the red - yet when I let it go back au naturale in my 30s I suddenly had a lot of attention ;) Also, get to my age and those brunettes and blondes are spending a fortune keeping their colour whereas red definitely ages well!!
  • black hair :)
  • As a natural redhead who was picked on at school by for having red hair, I find it very interesting how many of my male friends from school who all went for the blondes have since married redheads or have admitted that they found me attractive....seems it's not cool to admit you like a redhead in the teen years when peer pressure is a factor! I never had a boyfriend til I was 16 ( and he has since married another redhead!!) and spent YEARS dyeing my hair all colours to hide the red - yet when I let it go back au naturale in my 30s I suddenly had a lot of attention ;) Also, get to my age and those brunettes and blondes are spending a fortune keeping their colour whereas red definitely ages well!!

    Why is it this way? I spent many years of school being called "the ugly one" and ostracised by schoolmates for being a redhead and for being pale as a ghost and for having freckles. I too always hated being what I was. I've since gotten over it obviously but I feel you on what you went through. I do find it funny now that I'm older, I do get more attention. :tongue:
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    As a natural redhead who was picked on at school by for having red hair, I find it very interesting how many of my male friends from school who all went for the blondes have since married redheads or have admitted that they found me attractive....seems it's not cool to admit you like a redhead in the teen years when peer pressure is a factor! I never had a boyfriend til I was 16 ( and he has since married another redhead!!) and spent YEARS dyeing my hair all colours to hide the red - yet when I let it go back au naturale in my 30s I suddenly had a lot of attention ;) Also, get to my age and those brunettes and blondes are spending a fortune keeping their colour whereas red definitely ages well!!

    Why is it this way? I spent many years of school being called "the ugly one" and ostracised by schoolmates for being a redhead and for being pale as a ghost and for having freckles. I too always hated being what I was. I've since gotten over it obviously but I feel you on what you went through. I do find it funny now that I'm older, I do get more attention. :tongue:

    I do love the way redheads stand out in the crowd. When I was younger I assumed the staring when I walked into a room was due to looking like a ghosty freak lol (and it probably was hehe) - now I like the looks I get as I recognise something very different and appreciative ..:wink: I also like it when I go to Dublin - there is an acceptance of being 'one of us' due to the sheer number of redheads in Ireland!!
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    Girl here...and I have to say blondes....I'm a stylist and at $150 to $200 a pop to touch up roots and highlights, blondes are my favorite hands down!!! :)

    Blonde= financial security. :P Well my husband obviously likes brunettes, but I think he might secretly prefer redheads. He doesn't shut up about Kari when we watch Mythbusters.
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