iImy mind

I just posted this as a blog, but wanted to also post it as a topic to reach more people.

In my mind I'll always be his lady. (I'll always be)
In my mind I'll always be his girl.
Only time will tell if I'm his lady ( Only time )
But in my mind I'll always be his girl.

These are the lyrics to a Heather Headley song called "In My Mind." I guess you are wondering what that has to do with weight loss. Keep reading. Yesterday at Boot Camp, I was paired up with the most out of shaped individual there. She was going on and on about how she cannot do this, and how everything was so hard for her to do. She asked me how was I able to do what I did by losing 45 pounds. I thought about it and wanted to do whatever I could to encourage her, when I thought of this song. I told her that the first thing I had to do was to get my mind right and on board with what I wanted to do. I told her that in my mind, I have already lost the 80 pounds I needed to. In my mind, I wear a sized 32-34 pants. In my mind, I no longer take blood pressure pills. In my mind, I can walk a half marathon and not be picked up by the slow bus. In my mind, I have the energy to play with my kids. In my mind, I am there for my wife(grown and sexy talk). In my mind, I am confident to take my shirt off at the beach. In my mind, I am not judged by the way I look, but by who I am. In my mind, Y'all don't hear me, I will be here to walk my daughter down the aisle in 40-50 years...lol. In my mind, I can do a lot of things...BUT today is when it begins. Today is another opportunity to do better and not make excuses. Today, I look at my family and know I can do better for them. Today, I get my mind right for all the plans I have for the future.

Word whether spoken or written are powerful. What have you got planned In Your Mind?