Home Made Low-Carb Mayonnaise Recipe?

Jefster Posts: 48 Member
edited September 2024 in Recipes
Hi there,

I'm looking for a good low-carb mayonnaise recipe, since store bought mayo contains soybean oil and sugar. I made an attempt at using extra virgin olive oil, but let's just say it was less than tasty :)

Any good suggestions? I'd prefer a non-vegetable based oil product.

I posted about my attempt and why I didn't prefer store bought may here:


My attempt at EVOO with pictures:




  • I would try adding some prepared dijon mustard to it. I have made it with good evoo before and it tasted fine. If it tastes bad, I would check if your oil rancid? I have made it with grapeseed oil and canola oil, or combined oils before also. I wouldn't use white vinegar. Lemon juice or white wine vinegar tastes better... red wine vinegar can also be used, but it will change the color a little. I like to add garlic as well, but that might just be me. Sometimes I add cayenne and paprika too!
  • Jefster
    Jefster Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for the tip on the vinegar. I may have goofed and used white vinegar, thinking it was the same as white WINE vinegar. oops!

    The oil was pretty fresh, as I have cooked with it in other foods, but I was just overpowered by the intense olive taste I guess.

    Grapeseed oil? Does it have a lighter taste? I'll have to see if I can find some of that and give it a whirl!

    I was thinking peanut oil or perhaps sesame oil, but they might be too pungent too.

  • Grapeseed has almost no taste to me, but it can be expensive. Trader Joe's is a good place to buy quality oils for less money, in my experience. Sesame has a VERY strong flavor. Peanut is pretty mild, I use it for frying. Olive oil can vary quite a bit. The most mild oil is probably canola or grapeseed. You should try the mustard, almost all mayonnaise has a little mustard. Also, even if you're using vinegar, a little fresh lemon can brighten things. Also the more acid (lemon, vinegar) the less bacteria :wink:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I like to substitute ranch dressing for mayo. Adds more flavor, imo. And I like the Bacon Ranch from Hidden Valley. Only 0.5g carbs per tbsp.
  • Jefster
    Jefster Posts: 48 Member
    Grapeseed oil sounds like it might be ideal. I did see it at Target this weekend, but as you said it was very expensive. I'll see if I can find it at Trader Joe's, or if I'm lucky TJ Maxx sometimes have more gourmet oils for cheap.

    Does the Mayo made with Grapeseed oil have a greenish tint to it by chance? I read somewhere that it might. I'm not too focused on the color though.

    I also see that Avocado oil might be one to try with.

  • Grapeseed oil has a high percentage of Omega 6 linoleic acid. (Wikipedia says 70%) Over-doing the Omega-6 fatty acid is not good for you. Better choices would be:
    EV Olive Oil at 9%
    Safflower oil at 14%
    Flaxseed oil at 16%
    Canola oil at 21%

    Flaxseed oil has the added benefit of being 57% alpha-linolenic acid which is the good Omega-3 fat you need to balance out the Omega-6. Google this: Omega-6 vs Omega-3
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