sensational in 6 - week 2!!

tdotali Posts: 181 Member
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
Alright ladies...on to week two!!

We did alright, some better then others, let's stay on track this week. My 1 1/2 pound weight GAIN as brought on new motivation.
SGT - don't worry about your weight gain from this'll lose it quickly!

Here's the point tally's for this week:

Redpenguin - 21 points
llivengood - 25 points
SGT - 29 points
losinmama2b - 34 points
alicollins - 34 points
tdotali - 16 points

So Allison and Laura are the winners for this week!! And ladies you guys are totally kicking my butt!! But watch out. I've just started the Turbo Fire Inferno plan so undo the damage done from living at my parents house.

Keep it up Strong and Beautiful ladies...

Just wondering what long term physical goals do you guys have - Do any of you have a beach vacation coming up or a reunion of some type?

My long term physical goal is that I want to dress as Catwoman for Halloween. I've been wanting to wear that costume for years and I have yet to acheive the comfort level to pull it off. Maybe this year will be the year!! :)


  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member
    Last Monday's Weight- 136.2
    Today- 132.8

    Monday's Points---
    Sleep 1
    Diary 1
  • Beks816
    Beks816 Posts: 9 Member
    alright, so last week sucked for me, lol, just putting that out there.

    points for monday


    and weight last week- 198 , today -197
  • Wahoo!!! I've got to work harder to beat that 34 this week!

    As for weight - I'm still at the same weight. I was told last night however, and this is exciting for me since its my first true NSV, that I was looking "skinny" which is super awesome! Normally one of the other members of my choir and me are always mistaken for each other or that people think we're sisters. Last night that same person said that we probably wouldn't be mistaken anymore because I'm "one skinny b1tch!" It was awesome :)

    I haven't measured yet but I will do so tomorrow morning.

    Points for yesterday:
    Sleep: 1
    Eating: 1 (if counting it for the day) 3 (if counting each meal) I was super awesome yesterday!!
    Schedule: 0 (my schedule got all messed up...I eventually did the exercise I wanted to do but it wasn't at any of the times I planned)
    Exercise: 4
    Logging: 1

    Total 7

    Lets go ladies and kick some butt!!!
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Wahoo!!! I've got to work harder to beat that 34 this week!

    As for weight - I'm still at the same weight. I was told last night however, and this is exciting for me since its my first true NSV, that I was looking "skinny" which is super awesome! Normally one of the other members of my choir and me are always mistaken for each other or that people think we're sisters. Last night that same person said that we probably wouldn't be mistaken anymore because I'm "one skinny b1tch!" It was awesome :)

    That's great! Hearing confirmation from other people is always soo rewarding :)

    My points for yesterday
    sleep - 1
    clean eating - 1 (breakfast)
    exercise - 4
    schedule - 1
    diary - 0

    So far off to a good start...7 points :)

    Gonna workout now eventhough I'm only on 3 hours of sleep...I had a nice date last night!!! :)
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Last Monday's Weight- 136.2
    Today- 132.8

    Monday's Points---
    Sleep 1
    Diary 1

    Friggin' awesome! I'm jealous ;) I will catch up to you girl! must be feeling great!
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    Monday points:

    sleep 0
    schedule 1
    exercise 4
    log 1
    eat clean 0

    total 6
  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member
    Tuesday's points...

    Sleep 1
    Diary 1

    I had totally planned on upping my running distance to 3 miles today, but I'm not feeling so great. :( Hoping I'm not getting sick, I dont want to slow my progress!! Keep up the good work girls!
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Tuesday's points:

    Sleep - 0 (only 3 hours!)
    exercise - 4
    schedule - 1
    clean eating - 2 (breakfast and lunch)
    diary - 0

    = 7 points!
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    Tuesday's points;

    sleep 1
    schedule 1
    diary 1
    exercise 4
    eating 1

    total 8!! My highest number!

    I just wanted to let everyone know that starting tomorrow through all next week, I am on vacation...I have my phone to log points but will have to find wifi to log on and report back to you my daily I might be a little behind a few days. I am just really hoping that I can stay on task w/my calorie watching during the road trip and reunion...wish me luck!!
  • You can do it Ali!!! Whenever I'm on vacation I remind myself before I eat anything that food never really tastes as good as you think it does - plus - if I make the right decision I'll feel WAY better about least that's my motivation. Good luck!

    Tuesday's points:

    Sleep - 1
    exercise - 9
    schedule - 1
    clean eating - 1 (breakfast)
    diary - 1

    =13 points!
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    Thanks! I will remember your words the whole week...BTW, you did great yesterday getting 13 points! WOW!

    I will check in when I can! :flowerforyou:
  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member

    Sleep- 1
    Diary- 1
    Schedule- 1
    Exercise- 4
  • Beks816
    Beks816 Posts: 9 Member


    total- 4



    total- 8
  • Wednesday's points:

    Sleep - 1
    exercise - 8
    schedule - 1
    clean eating - 0
    diary - 1

    =11 points!
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member

    sleep - 1
    clean eating - 2 (breakfast and lunch)
    total - 3

    sleep - 1
    clean eating - 2 (breakfast and lunch)
    exercise - 2
    schedule - 1
    total - 6

    You girls are racking up crazy points!!!
    I think I have to cut dairy from my diet...I'm sooo bloated right now. It's either wheat or dairy or both. ;(
  • Oy...yesterday I was terrible! That's what I get for going to Wolf Trap (amazing performance by the NSO doing Disney music!) and having to leave the dinner choices up to my in laws...sigh...I logged it all though...terrible as it was.

    Thursday's points:

    Sleep - 1
    exercise - 2
    schedule - 0
    clean eating - 2 (breakfast and lunch)
    diary - 1

    =6 points
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Ah we all have our will get on it again tomorrow!


    clean eating 4 (breakfast, lunch, dinner and all snacks) woot woot!!!
    exercice - 2
    schedule - 1
    sleep -1
    diary - 1
    Total - 9! my most ever :)

    Tomorrow I have to attend a wedding so I will not be as good as I was today. Although I will wake up early before my hair app't to do push circuit 2 from Chalean Extreme.

    On Sunday I will start another thread where you can post your weigh-in on monday.
    We're already at the end of week 2!!! I can't believe how fast two weeks have gone. Only 4 more to go....:-)

    Keep it up. We're STRONG and BEAUTIFUL:happy:
  • Friday's Points
    Sleep - 1
    exercise - 7
    schedule - 1
    clean eating - 2 (breakfast and dinner)
    diary - 1
    Total: 12

    Saturday's Points
    Sleep - 1
    exercise - 3
    schedule - 1
    clean eating - 1 (dinner)
    diary - 1
    Total: 7

    Sunday's Points
    Sleep - 1
    exercise - 1
    schedule - 1
    clean eating - 3
    diary - 1
    Total: 7
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