Inspiration, dedication, etc...and my dog

My husband has taken notice of my true dedication to losing weight and getting fit, for real this time. After 20+ years together, he has seen and heard me say thousands of times how I want to do it, just to fall back into bad choices and the status quo. But after months of going to the gym regularly, counting calories and seeing results, I think he knows I’m serious this time. He even told me I inspired him *queue the Awwwwwwww*. It’s good to hear b/c I have put in a lot of sweat and time and energy into trying to get it right this time.

He has been walking the dog every morning now for weeks. They get up at 5 am (YUCK) and walk about 3 miles through the neighborhood. The dog gets his play time, b/c there really isn’t anyone out that early so he lets him off leash, and it’s exercise for the hubby. Last week he asked me about the Couch 2 5K class I took earlier this year. I downloaded the regimen for him, and he started that today! This morning I got an email from him that was titled “Jackson saved my life!”. Jackson would be our furkid. He said that walking Jackson every morning helps him stay motivated to do it, b/c its beneficial to both of them. He’s so cute. ;)

I signed him up an account on here, though not sure if he will actually use it. But it’s here if he wants to, I’m just excited that he is so on board and so supportive, b/c as we all know, it’s much harder to do alone!

Our ultimate goal of course is to lose weight and be healthy. *But a close second is to be the HAWT couple amongst our friends. ;) Up to now we have been the biggest couple, but JUST.YOU.WAIT! *

Jackson aka Jdog

My and the hubby, circa 1989

Us again, August 2010
