

  • DropsOJupiter
    I agree with all others....relax!! I took the liberty of looking at your food diary the last couple of days and you never go over 900 calories. You are also eating a good deal of processed, sodium laden foods. This could be your problem, unless you aren't logging in all foods. Up your intake...sounds weird I know but it does work. And I agree...water, water, water!
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Do not freak out... Some weight gain is normal. The scale is not to be used to dictate how you feel about yourself. Take measurements, take pictures of yourself, pay attention to how your clothes fit. All of these should be considered just as much as... if not more than the scale.

    Case in point. I just finished an entire round of p90x.... Here are my results...

    I gained 1.7lbs
    Lost 14 inches all over my body
    And dropped my body fat percentage by almost 2%

    So, should I consider this a flunk because the scale doesn't have me as losing? Heck no! I am smaller. I look better. My clothes fit better. I went into a changing room this weekend and everything I took in there fit me. Although some things looked better than others.

    DO NOT PANIC.... Keep doing the right things and you will come back down.

    Here is my thought on this whole losing weight thing.... It is like riding a roller coaster. You get on it with the intentions of having a great time. You have an initial climb and then a crazy first decline. Then you have a series of hills and decents until you eventual come to where you need to be with a huge smile on your face.

    Just stay on your coaster.... You will get there.
  • Journey_2061
    Journey_2061 Posts: 4 Member
    Be careful about not weighing again until the 8th. Don't let the scale determine your success but use it as a way to keep control. A couple of pounds could be anything including just the time of day. But 5 pounds gained is headed the wrong direction. Drink more water and keep a closer count on any extra calories slipping in. 20 lbs lost is great! Keep up the good work.
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Also. Do this. Weigh everyday and log it. That way you can watch your trend line. Mine has some crazy ups and downs on it but the overall trend line is going down and that is what I need it to do.

    If you have an android phone there is a free app called Libra which is excellent for this.
  • spookiewon
    spookiewon Posts: 59 Member
    How many weeks is a "few?" At least 13? Because if you're losing more than 2 pounds a week it's likely a good bit of it is water, and as your body adjusts your weight loss should slow down or you may even gain a bit. It's just simply not a good idea to lose more than 2 pounds a week. If you can, you need to pin down exactly how many calories you're expending and not cut your calories by more than 700 per day less than that. I use a Fitbit to nail down how many calories I'm actually burning, and that varies day to day. I use the My Fitness Pal food database, because it's much more complete than Fitbit's is, but I enter those totals at Fitbit.com, where I track everything else.

    A single gain can't get you so discouraged. You'll have many setbacks along the way. Just take life one day at a time.
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    I am with you, I hate that scale! I dont depend on it to tell me if I lost weight, I go by how my clothes fit and the mirror, I didnt lose any weight last week, so I was mad at myself !! Keep on going and doing MFP, It will work I think there are weeks where we might not lose or even gain, maybe its more muscle maybe its water who knows, so I think measuring is the most accurate, You are not alone , Hang in there!!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Losing 20+ pounds over a few weeks immediately tossed up a red flag for me. That's what, 7 pounds a week? Crash dieting doesn't work, your body rebels against it. Usually losses that big, that fast are just water weight. Slow down. It's not a race. Life isn't like weight loss shows on tv. Remember, most of those "biggest losers" put most if not all of the weight right back on after the competition. Slow and steady is key.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    Losing 20+ pounds over a few weeks immediately tossed up a red flag for me. That's what, 7 pounds a week? Crash dieting doesn't work, your body rebels against it. Usually losses that big, that fast are just water weight. Slow down. It's not a race. Life isn't like weight loss shows on tv. Remember, most of those "biggest losers" put most if not all of the weight right back on after the competition. Slow and steady is key.

    gotta remember that everyone holds a lot of water weight in the beginning of their journey..
    that is why sometime you see people lose up to 30 lbs in a whole month
    cause that how much they had in their body.

    but i agree with the crash diet.
  • change_happens
    Don't be discouraged. There is no way you could have gained five pounds of fat in a few days. I believe it is water. Don't worry, just keep exercising, stay hydrated and it will fall off.

    I speak from experience :-) and I know.... That crazy scale.... Dictator of life :-)

    Keep moving!