Exercise Calories??



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    ok thanks very much!

    i am still losing the weight though ive lost 9lbs in 4 weeks and i dont do that kind of excersise often

    You will still lose. The advantage of eating your exercise calories, is two fold: First, when you lose weight, you won't be losing muscle. When you create a large deficit, your body has to look in other areas for energy. The first place it looks is fat storage but the second is muscle (due to the proteins). The second reason is your body needs a certain amount of calories to keep your system ago, aka brain function, organ function and metabolism. Increasing deficits can affect it. Think of it liek the gas you have in your car. I bet you can't drive 300 miles on E right? So why would you run your body on E?

    I eat 3000 calories a day. I am still losing weight (not much) but I am at 12% body fat. I burn 1% body fat a month. I am hoping to be at 9% by October. Do not be afraid to eat. Those who are will plateau quickly and they all come back on here asking why they plateaud. I can tell you from exeperience, every time I have plateau'd I have upped my calories by 200+ and continued the weight loss again.
  • Lparr88
    Lparr88 Posts: 6 Member
    those are according to MFP, i think ill stick to what i know and have heard tonight
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    yep, agree. i wished i could swim for 90 minutes! Thas a great workout and better on the joints than my running. I wouldnt worry about eating all those calories, especially since you don't do that daily. A big glass of chocolate milk after a long cardio session is good. not sure what your appetite is but something with protein..a few boiled eggs and some fresh fruit OR maybe a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat (Arnolds has a good bread and is high in cals). That would get you some additional cals and not fill you up so much to miss a meal later in the day. if you are doing these exercises in the late evening i would not worry about eating as much as maybe having a glass of chocolate milk immediatley afterward and then maybe yogurt? eating tooo much late will ineterfere with your sleep which is a must after a long workout day. I prefer my cardio early morning before breakfast. just my 2 cents..good luck.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    why did you workout so much?
  • Lparr88
    Lparr88 Posts: 6 Member
    didnt intend to i walked to the swimming baths then swam then walked home lol