How many bones have you broken?

GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
I was thinking about how I sprained my ankle just two weeks ago, probably for the 20th time in the past 8 years since I broke both sides of my ankle...which brings me to ask

How many bones have you guys broken? You know what, throw in the story behind it to if you would like : 3!

I've broken:
Fracture on both sides of my ankle. Tramplin(SP?) accident when I was young, I fell twisted my ankle on it, and my cousin who was twice my side fell on it and well...BREAK.LOL. Was also the only time I went to a doctor for a break....
Finger. Smashed it into something, can't really remember :D.
nose. Ran into a door because they had strobe lights going, and I was unable to see where I was going O.o
Toe. Once again, smashed it into something.

So share away everybody!


  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    The week before kindergarten, I broke (pretty badly..the bone was sticking out) my right arm while roller skating. On my 11th birthday, I was pogo-sticking (birthday present) and broke my left wrist. In 5th grade, I broke my left ankle 3 consecutive times (like, within a week of having the cast off) by running. (And yet, stupidly, I now run multiple times a week..haha). Also I'm sure I've broken a finger and a toe, but I never went to the hospital for those.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    In 28 years, I have never broken a bone (that I know of).
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    *Knock on Wood*

    None. Unless you count when they had to chip away at my jaw for impacted tooth extractions or an Apicoectomy.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I broke my pinky toe on my right foot by hitting it against the metal bed frame as I was walking by it. Another time I broke my tailbone while I was bowling. I fell and landed right on it. Now I'm too scared to ever go bowling again.
  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    The week before kindergarten, I broke (pretty badly..the bone was sticking out) my right arm while roller skating. On my 11th birthday, I was pogo-sticking (birthday present) and broke my left wrist. In 5th grade, I broke my left ankle 3 consecutive times (like, within a week of having the cast off) by running. (And yet, stupidly, I now run multiple times a week..haha). Also I'm sure I've broken a finger and a toe, but I never went to the hospital for those.
    Thats some suckish luck you got therrrr.
    The only one I went in for was the ankle since I couldn't walk LOL. But the nose and other things I just knew were broken and left it. : D.
    Good luck with your runs!
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    One. Broke my leg in accident. It was painful, but healed nicely. Can't go jogging ever again though :(
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I broke my right wrist roller skating when I was 8. I was sooo pissed because I had my cast on for Christmas and had a hellova time opening my presents LOL.
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    I've broken just about every finger and toe at one point or another, mainly playing sports (basketball is to blame for most of the finger breaks!)

    I broke my left ankle (and tore all of the tendons and ligaments playing field hockey in high school, had surgery and a cast on for 3 months.

    I fell off the monkey bars when I was 4 and cracked my chin open

    I was in a head on collision last year (NOT my fault, a car swerved into my lane, stupid texting drivers!) and was beeping my horn at the time, when we made impact my airbag deployed and broke my forearm in half....a metal plate and 6 pins later, airport security is a blast!
  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    Oww that sucks, everyone says they can't do anything for a broken tail bone LOL.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Broke my right wrist 3 times and left once.
    While still wearing the cast for about 5 weeks my brother rebroke it so technically four.
    Bones on the top of my hand slamming it in the door.
    A toe on my babies play pen.
    Dropping can on one, broke.
    Um.. a few more but I can't remember how.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Elbow in 8th grade.
    Nose x 2 - 10th grade and 11th grade.
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    I broke my wrist when I was Eleven by putting my hand out wrong when I fell off a kerb.

    My finger when I fell off a treadmill

    my shoulder when I was in a motorbike accident

    and like someone above I am convinced I broke a finger and a toe ut never got them checked out
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I should have a parking spot at the hospital:

    Broke my arm when I was a kid by getting twisted up on the bottom of a dogpile.

    Broke my nose twice, once got hit with a baseball bat, second time with a bucket.

    Broke my hand twice. I had anger problems as a teen and got into fights a lot. Nailed one guy in the side of the head.

    Ribs, heavyweight fell on my in wrestling practice when I weghed 145 pounds.

    Big toe, carrying a big rolled up carpet down stairs and missed the last step and my toe got bent the wrong way.
  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    Broke my right wrist 3 times and left once.
    While still wearing the cast for about 5 weeks my brother rebroke it so technically four.
    Bones on the top of my hand slamming it in the door.
    A toe on my babies play pen.
    Dropping can on one, broke.
    Um.. a few more but I can't remember how.
    Aww man thats pretty harsh of your broD: and here i thought my brother was mean for taring ligaments in my wrist, haha XD
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    only once diagnosed a spiral fracture of the tib/ fib, i think there was actually 5 breaks in all, and 7 months pregnant.

    unofficailly i am pretty dang sure i broke a bone in my foot a few months ago, did not go to the doctor since i could still walk, but had a large painful lump on the top of my foot for months, could not tighten my shoe, lump still there though not as big, and not painfull
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    The week before kindergarten, I broke (pretty badly..the bone was sticking out) my right arm while roller skating. On my 11th birthday, I was pogo-sticking (birthday present) and broke my left wrist. In 5th grade, I broke my left ankle 3 consecutive times (like, within a week of having the cast off) by running. (And yet, stupidly, I now run multiple times a week..haha). Also I'm sure I've broken a finger and a toe, but I never went to the hospital for those.
    Thats some suckish luck you got therrrr.
    The only one I went in for was the ankle since I couldn't walk LOL. But the nose and other things I just knew were broken and left it. : D.
    Good luck with your runs!
    Lol, I know..always with the bad luck. My mom didn't believe me the first time I broke my ankle because I could still walk (with a pretty pronounced limp). She said "you just sprained it, you're not even crying." So...when she wasn't looking I hit myself extra hard in the ankle so that I would cry (sick, I know, but worth it). Nothing was more satisfying than when the doctor came out with the xray to say it was broken.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I think I've been in a cast 14 times. Plus, dislocated knees, shoulders and fingers.

    I've broken both ankles multiple times, wrists, thumbs, fingers, toes.

    Gymnastics, soccer, tether ball, roller skating, cheerleading, goofing around...
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Just two...

    1st was my right big toe when I was in my late 20's. Went fishing with hubby and was walking around in some old tennis shoes with hardly any tread on them. Wet slippery rocks plus "bald" sneakers = smooshed toe. It hurt pretty damn bad but I thought I just stubbed it and hobbled around for a couple of days until my co-workers finally talked me in to going to the doctor for an x-ray. The only good thing that came out of that was being able to wear sneakers to work for a couple months.

    2nd was 5 years ago. It was our first winter in the house and I was home for MLK Jr. Day and it just so happened to be the winter of snowy holidays. So I went out to shovel off the driveway and just as I was finishing up, clearing the snow by the steps before heading in, I slipped on some ice that was hidden under the snow and did a sort of half split. Two pops, some major pain and I went in to shock. Managed to haul myself inside and called hubby and my mother and both of them told me to get off the phone and call 911 for cryin-out-loud. About 20 minutes later the ambulance picked me up. Hubby met me in the ER a little while later.
    I was lucky on that one, just fractured the top of my tibia under the knee cap and severely sprained my ankle. I say lucky because I could've really messed up my ankle. The orthopedic surgeon told me I was "this" close to needing pins. The fracture healed quickly but the sprain took forever.
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    3 Ribs- Snowboarding accident

    Tailbone- Same snowboarding accident

    Wrist- Same snowboarding accident

    Nose- During a softball game, didn't see the ball

    Arm- Fell off the bunkbed

    Big toe- Falling down the stairs

    Ankle- Falling down the stairs

    All fingers- on seperate occasions, some of them at the same time

    Left foot- I broke that 5 wks after having surgery on my right foot. My dr. refused to give me a handicap permit, so I had to crutch from the back of the parking lot, and slipped on black ice.