What am I doing wrong?

SummerSkinn Posts: 20
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
So my best friend and I have found a good trail with mile markers, I've been running 1 mile a day, and walking back a mile for about a week. I've found it getting harder and harder to do this every day. I just got done running today and almost gave up half way through...Why is it getting harder to finish? Shouldn't it be getting easier since I'm conditioning myself? Is it all in my head or am I doing something wrong?


  • JoseMedina21
    JoseMedina21 Posts: 186 Member
    You should let your body rest, sounds like you are fatiguing yourself on the trail. Don't over do it especially when first starting off.
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    Try and do something else besides this-or find another route. Sounds like you may just be getting bored of the same thing every day. Mix it up a little!!
  • You need a rest day and you need to break down your mile and just complete it once or twice a week. have tomorrow off or just walk the route then try running again the day after. x
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Some questions that come to mind:
    1--Are you eating enough before your work out? Everyone has a different opinion on what to eat, but nearly everyone says to eat.
    2--Are you eating enough over all?
    3--Are you taking breaks in between to allow for muscle repair and recovery? (ex: Run M, W, F, and one day of weekend)
    4--Are you hydrating yourself before, after or during?
    5--Are you getting enough salt? A lot of runners are now adding pinches of natural sea salt to their water during and after runs---especially if they are salty sweat types.
  • Elanesse100
    Elanesse100 Posts: 30 Member
    Could possibly be that you are running too often for just starting out. Your muscles aren't used to the work and they didn't get a recovery day. When i started running I did it every other day. This allows a rest day. It's only a possible solution. I really don't know for sure. Other factors can be taken into consideration like what you eat, when you run, how much sleep you had the night before. If you are suffering from lack of energy, then you may need to increase your carb intake. Carbs are your energy source.

    Then there is just random chance you had a bad day. Sometimes I just don't run as well. It happens. Don't get discouraged.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Sounds like giving yourself a rest in between days. Maybe try doing it every other day with running the mile. I know most 5K programs alternate days with running one day and the next day doing a non impact exercise like an elliptical, bike riding,....
  • I used to have this problem every few days on my route too. What made it better for me was making sure I'm really hydrated. Even if you think you are, if you're finding a usual route difficult, you're probably not hydrated enough! If you're doing this every day you should be drinking extra - drinks with extra electrolytes help too. And, having new playlists always keeps me going too!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    training = work + REST

    Also, if it's getting hotter it's way harder for your body to do work in the heat. Everything FabCheeky said is really important. It should absolutely be getting easier, so one or several of her questions are likely the cause.

    Plus, a new runner should not be running every day. 3 days a week should be your max.
  • rwd5046
    rwd5046 Posts: 302
    Is running what you like to do for excerise? You might not be doing anything wrong other than it's not an excerise you enjoy. I'm not a runner and only run a few times a week and not every day other than to warm up a little. I just don't care for running alot and can't really make myself like it like other folks do. Also, give yourself time as it takes more than a week to condition yourself for certain activites. Be patient and do the excerises you like to do. the ones you don't care for as much, well do them less often. Good luck and I hope this helps.
  • I was wondering about the rest...isn't my body taking a break the 20+ hours that I'm not exercising?
    I'm afraid if I take a day off I'll loose my momentum...I guess I'll slow it down though, maybe I'll go hiking tomorrow instead of running. I'm just eager for success!
  • Some questions that come to mind:
    1--Are you eating enough before your work out? Everyone has a different opinion on what to eat, but nearly everyone says to eat.
    2--Are you eating enough over all?
    3--Are you taking breaks in between to allow for muscle repair and recovery? (ex: Run M, W, F, and one day of weekend)
    4--Are you hydrating yourself before, after or during?
    5--Are you getting enough salt? A lot of runners are now adding pinches of natural sea salt to their water during and after runs---especially if they are salty sweat types.

    I've been running after breakfast, and I make sure it's at least 300 calories, because I usually burn at least 200 according to the exercise counter. I haven't given my self a break because of fear that I'll loose my momentum/motivation, but it's usually only an hour a day, so I figured my body can rest the other hours I'm not doing anything. I bring two water bottles and drink a half of one before I run, and the rest and half of the other afterwards (I don't like carrying anything when running). as for salt? I'm actually really not sure, I've been focusing on solely my caloric intake.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I figured my body can rest the other hours I'm not doing anything.

    It doesn't really work that way, on the off days try doing something else (like resistence training, yoga, whatever just not running), but definitely switch it up.
    I bring two water bottles and drink a half of one before I run, and the rest and half of the other afterwards (I don't like carrying anything when running).

    That should be fine. The water before would actually make me sick to my stomach, but I have to run empty otherwise I can feel everything sloshing around up in there. Unless it's really really hot there (like it is here) your water intake seems fine to me. Definitely turn on the option to monitor your salt.
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    It's probably just the lack of a break from running. I do strength training on days that I'm not running. Some people like yoga or pilates. Some people don't do anything. If you feel like you have to do SOMETHING, consider strength training. It can help you improve your core strength which will make you a better runner in the future. Also, it helps your body become more efficient.
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