Renewed Commitment

Hello! I joined MFP in June and had good intentions of tracking, etc but didn't stick with it. I have a renewed focus and commitment to myself to get back into shape and stay there! I know I have a long road ahead but I also know that I can do it if I stick to it. This time around I am trying different things, such as posting on message boards on MFP! I've never posted to forums or message boards before but have been reading the many posts on here and am so impressed by the support that complete strangers show for one another when they have a common goal, so...looking for a little motivation every now and then and I will certainly provide the same:happy:


  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 447 Member
    Stick at it, log religiously and it become a habit after a few days. And have a good look around the message boards, you will find loads of information and motivation. Good luck :smile: