Newbie....(been about a week now)

I first found myfitnesspal on my HTC phone as a free app and said what the heck....and every since then have been hooked...I am getting so tired of shying away from pictures and cringing when I do see myself caught in them...Although Hubby and kids say I am crazy I know its time to do something and this site is a wonderful start!!! I love it!!! Would love to make some new friends for support!!! From Kansas, 34, two kids, 13 year old girl and a 9 year old boy...wonderful husband of 10 years :)


  • Joshuaak
    Joshuaak Posts: 18 Member
    Good for you. Way to take action. (I also love the free app on MY HTC.)
  • ChickadeeHawk
    Welcome! This site is a wonderful aid in helping one achieve their goals. Sometimes that first step is the hardest, and look, you already took it!!
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! Good luck in your journey....
  • janmanson

    I have been using the fitnesspal for one week. I started as I came across the web page at work and hgough as my clothes were a bit tight I would give it a try. I lost just over 1.5lbs and I am watching what I eat as it is being recorded. I am a mum to 5 grown up children and have a grand-daughter of one year. I have a job that involves a lot of walking and decided it was time to get fit. I am 50 years old and have been married to Robert for 31 years.
  • jlowensby
    jlowensby Posts: 142
    Great to meet you!!! I know what you mean about your clothes getting tight..had to go to a funeral a couple weeks ago and went to put on the ole standby funeral dress and couldn't get the zipper up :( Def time to get something done!!