Runners.... when does it start to get fun???

dsak Posts: 367 Member
Back in March... when I began this journey.... I bought a treadmill. My goal was to walk on it every day to get me started on exercising. Back then, I started with a 21 minute mile (and it was hard to do). I have slowly progressed.... my distance, time and speed. When walking, I can easily walk at a 4mph pace (15 minute mile), and... I have started running (or jogging). I can now jog at a 5.3mph pace for 25 minutes!!! I'm very proud of this accomplishment.... having come from a 21 minute mile walking.

But.... I gotta say... while I know that I NEED to run to help burn some calories and get in cardio, I don't really enjoy it. And... it takes me about 10 minutes into the run to actually not want to quit. Even after that 10 minute mark, I just try to keep on plugging away.... just one more minute.... just one more song.... etc.

I see all these people around me who go for a run multiple times a week, and each of those runs is between 3-5 miles, running 7-10 minute miles. I often wonder... will I ever get to that point? Do they enjoy it? Will it ever be fun for me?

Just wondering if there are others out there like me... who were in my position at one point and then it just kicked in... the love for running.


  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    hey there for me its the same situation just one more song... i can do another 2 minutes. however i have found that walking on an incline of around 13 and watching the tv helps a lot. you burn more calories and walk heck of a distence.
    now for the running as i know this is important i find it fun when i have music pumping. i also enter little event like local 5k races and the achivment and buzz of doing this is enjoyable.

    it will get there xx
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    What do you do on the treadmill? I know you run but do you have a radio or a tv going? I don't mind the treadmill but my husband calls it the dreadmill. He will only use it when the weather forces him inside. I usually make sure there is something interesting on tv before I plan to use it. Take it outside. A change of scenery may be what you need.
  • Gwendalyne
    Gwendalyne Posts: 287 Member
    Running became fun, when I started running outdoors. I found a beautiful trail and I love running it. Try getting off the treadmill. You will see faster results with outdoors running :)
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    First of all congrats on your journey and second of all get outside! That's when it got fun for me, I HATE the treadmill. Honestly thought I think it got fun when I was able to run one mile without it being torcher.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Bump....I have tried running over and over....I hate it. My mom started running in college and said she eventually started enjoying it....I can never get to that point....
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    For me, it would never get fun.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Do you run outside? I find absolutely zero joy from using the treadmill. It's boring and laborious.

    Outside however? I enjoyed it from the start, but really started loving it after completing my first organized race.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Do you run outside? Treadmills bore me to tears so I usually stick to running outside. I didn't start enjoying and needing to run until I was a little over a year into it. Having run off and on for that year, we had a hard winter and I hate the gym. So I got back outside in spring and I just slowly started having this voice in the back of my head saying man I really wanna go for a run today, or I would find myself looking forward to it at work, especially if someone told me it was a nice day outside. When you do get that little voice telling you to run for no reason, listen to it it will get louder and louder and then you'll realize that voice is the part of you that likes running. Oh and one more thing, get some songs pumping that really get you going!
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    I started running this year. I did the couch to 5K plan... I know how you feel. I HATED it! I felt like if I kept pushing'd start to get fun.... It gets easier and more fun. After a certain point...~ 4-5 miles get an AMAZING feeling. It's like you can see better, you feel great, you have a second wind and you're just very happy. I think that's why so many people are addicted to running. It's that "runners high".

    Keep it up!!! You will start to love it!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Running became fun, when I started running outdoors. I found a beautiful trail and I love running it. Try getting off the treadmill. You will see faster results with outdoors running :)

    Exactly what she said!! Running on a treadmill sucks!! Running outside will be harder at first but the outside scenery will make the time go by faster.
  • ambercole
    ambercole Posts: 426
    I have a love/hate relationship with my treadmill. I hate it most of the time but I love that I have it when the weather is bad. I always struggle to get my miles in on the treadmill but I could easily run a 10k outside everyday.
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm not a fast runner and don't go great distances but I have to say I do enjoy it. I've just been fir a 30 min run for the first time since early June and had forgotten how good it feels. I got back and said to my hubby I really enjoyed that, he thinks I'm mad lol.
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    I've been running for about six years and it does get easier. When I first started someone told me that the first three miles is the hardest. I didn't know they meant EVERY time. :noway: Now, once I make it past that three mile mark, it's much easier. I won't say I've ever developed a love for running, but I do enjoy it more than I used to. I've learned to use the time to work out any problems or stress I might have going on in my life. I'll get into a "zone" and don't even feel the miles slipping away.

    Edited to agree with most of the people above. Get off the treadmill and get outside!! It's so much better.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I love my runs...when I don't hate them. A lot of runners (at least those that I know) own up to being a little twisted, the pain, the push, knowing you are pushing yourself is enjoyable for myself and quite a few others.

    I think once you have a runner's high it gets easier. I hate running on a treadmill. I run to get somewhere, I would not be successful on a treadmill. That might be part of it.
  • netsirk419
    netsirk419 Posts: 30 Member
    This topic name made me literally laugh out loud. I have been for months and am still waiting for it.
  • DowntimeDesigns
    DowntimeDesigns Posts: 134 Member
    I also started out like you, HATING the treadmill, but yes eventually it does get fun!!!! I went from walking a 15 minute mile to running 7 straight without stopping in under 60 minutes.

    NOW I have a blown out knee and haven't been able to run further then 3 miles in 4 months and I feel like I'm gaining my lost weight back. =( Elliptical doesn't do it for me like the treadmill does.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I was where you are about 12 years ago, and I also had an "ugh, GOD" relationship with it at first. I started doing it just because it pissed me off so much that I COULDN'T run like those other folks I saw in the gym and on the road.

    I slowly worked my way up, just like you (and when I say S L O W, I mean that I just broke through my 4 mile barrier last MONTH), and it's only recently that I really started to LOVE it.

    That's not to say that I've HATED it all the years before this. But running on the treadmill gets mind-numbingly boring. When I started running outside more, I liked it better. It's still not a "YIPPEEE YAY WHOOOPPEEE" event every time, but as your body can do more, you'll enjoy it more. Find a road outside, and just explore.

    I also signed up for a couple 5K races early on to keep me motivated. Now i'm signed up for my first 1/2 marathon -- that is, if I heal from an injury in time!

    Hang in there! I think every runner has a love/hate thing going, especially when you first step out there. Some other MFP person said to me "Always remember -- the first 2.5 miles SUCK" -- and that's no matter how long you've been doing it, or how far you're running. It's so so true.
  • jayruth
    jayruth Posts: 7
    Gotta add my voice to everyone else here... Running for me is only ever fun outdoors, on a trail, through woods and hills. It doesn't matter if it's cold and wet or hot and sunny, so long as there's fresh air and good scenery. The constant change in difficulty (up hill, down hill, over fallen branches, round tree trunks) is what makes the time pass by so quickly. On a treadmill I can manage 30 mins at a very slow pace and it's like torture waiting for the time to be up, on the road I only seem to do 20 mins before home is calling to me, but across fields I can run for 40 mins or more and still feel inspired to keep going - if only my legs would let me!!
  • cavaaller_85
    cavaaller_85 Posts: 94 Member
    When I was a teenager I was an outdoor only runner--hated treadmills! I don't know what changed for me, but this time around I actually prefer the treadmill. I think just because it seemed easier to track my progress--the numbers were right there in front of me!

    I would say that once I hit my first goal of 3 miles and had run it a few times, I was able to enjoy running. When it got to the point that I could think about things or lose myself in a song, I really began enjoying it. And as a previous poster mentioned, you just get this amazing high and then this little voice that says, "I think I'd really like to go for a run today." Good luck!
  • grahamckas88
    grahamckas88 Posts: 129 Member
    You just said everything that I've been wondering too!!! I just completed the c25k running program and did my first 5K over the weekend. That was a HUGE accomplishment for me. When I started training 10 weeks ago I could barely run for 1 min. at a time. Now I can run a 5K! The whole thing was a struggle though. I keep thinking this has got to get easier at some point, but it hasn't so far. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment after a run, but I definitely don't enjoy it during! I think some people (me) just aren't made to be runners. I know that's not much help for you...sorry. I'm going to keep my eyes on this post. Maybe I'll get some pointers to help me out too.