My Problem? Pure, unadulterated boredom...



  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    Argh, double posting!
  • llbird
    llbird Posts: 51
    I'd suggest looking for a running club (or walking) or even a triathalon group. I was surprised as I thought the last (triathalon groups) were just for the super athletes but it turns out they have 'sprint' distances which are within reach for the novice and they'll set you up with others at your skill level. Plus, you'll meet others who are used to activities that don't revolve around eating and drinking. Living in Napa means all-year activities and outdoor swimming for much of the year.
  • TC41
    TC41 Posts: 5
    Wow sounds like you have a great life. I am going to say this, and it is just out of the information that I got. Join a church, and get to know the man up stairs, because it sounds like you are looking for something, or purpose, and what better place to find it, is in the house of God. You can also go back to school, even if it is online, something to just keep you busy, but yet be benificial to you. Whether you know it or not a lot of people would kill to have a life like yours. No one telling you what to do or how to do it. Come and go as you please. etc, etc, take it as a blessing, because when you do find that special someone kiss it all good bye. one other thing is that you have to look beautiful for yourself, and do not worry about what others will or do think of you, because you will never be able to please man in a million years. Anyway you just think healthy, and self gratification, because other then that nothing matters. Okay. You look great on that picture, and should be happy. God Bless you, and I will be looking foward to a better response. :bigsmile:
  • 228lrt
    228lrt Posts: 49 Member
    To bad I don't live in Napa and am to old-2 strikes! I love to hike, bike and outdoor photography(flowers mostly). I try to do at least one of the above every day after work. And yes I understand living alone, but I just get out and do things I love everyday.
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    There are millions of people who would love to share some of your free time. The homeless, the elderly, Big-Brother-Big-Sister, YMCA, athletic youth leagues, summer camps, disabilities divisions, veterans affairs, churches, animal shelters, after school programs, tutoring.
    Run for a cause. Walk for a charity. Take up a hobby. A second job. Grad school.

    Start doing some existential thinking about why you are here on this planet beyond having a desk job in the wine industry and start following that purpose in life. I bet it will bring you not only something to fill your minutes in the day, but also a lot of satisfaction too!
    I believe we are meant for bigger and better things than just our 9-5 jobs and coming home to sit and wait to go back to work.
    After my 9-5 is over, I can usually be found around town talking to the homeless folks and asking them if they need anything that I can help them find. It takes up so much time, I always wish I had just a few more hours each day.

    I bet you have a ton to offer the world and you just haven't tapped your particular niche yet.
    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Head out to Napa Valley College and take some night classes in something you know nothing about.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Take up mountain biking! Find groups to go with.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I can tell you that boredom makes me eat. Today I was bored out of my mind at work, and I ended up eating crackers, going to lunch early, etc just because my fax was broken. Of course, when the afternoon hit, and my fax was up again, I went a solid 7 hours without a bite of food. I only had a crystal light around 6pm.

    Of course, once I got home, I made enough food for an army.

    I'm proud of myself though. I packaged most of it up to eat later. I also dumped a bunch of veggies in it.

    Cooking nutritious foods and exercising have become my hobbies recently.

    Also, who says you have to hang out only with people that are your own age? Some of my friends are younger, some are older, some are married, some are single, some are men, some are women... I just find someone that has an common interest with me.

    Join a fitness class, a gym, a craft mafia, take up gardening, whatever. Just pick a hobby, make some friends, and just go with it.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I really really would LOVE to take up sewing, but there's no JoAnne's fabrics to be found, the closest would be in Petaluma, which is an hour (everywhere is an hour).

    If you really want to take up sewing, you can buy and learn everything you need online.

  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    So, my days start out great, 2 egg spinach omelet with cayenne pepper, a yogurt or fruit mid-morning snack, a pre-lunch tomato and spinach salad with apple cidar vinegar, a protein packed lunch, another fruit afternoon snack, and dinner which normally consists of 4 oz protein with a side of fresh steamed veggies.

    Problem? I get off work at 4, go to the gym, go home. Once there I may concentrate on making my dinner, but beyond that I find myself with nothing to do. I live in Napa which is not a nurturing place for someone in their 20's, and have no single friends, and when I try to get together with my friends it's like pulling teeth (non-single ladies, your single lady friends miss you!) Out of the home activities in Napa consist of eating and drinking 95% of the time - nature of the industry - so that doesn't help me at all. The movie theater is terrible, I might be able to sign up for Bocce Ball one day a week but it's not like they have an Ultimate Frisbee league, or dance classes, or activities that engage young people. So what I end up doing is what people do that 95% of the time, eating more than I should at night and having a big glass of wine, putting me over my calorie goal. I'm in creative plateau with nothing to keep my hands busy and no one to support my efforts! No boyfriend to look good for, no free friends to join me in my health quest.

    Ever since I moved here 2 years ago it's been a desk job and I've gained about 20 lbs. I used to hike, swim, go out with friends, but that's changed since Napa.

    Any advice for activities that keep one's hands busy in the evening besides reading and TV? Maybe it's time to take up the piano...

    go for a walk when bored. clear your head
  • ever_onward
    I'm not sure if there are any rock gyms in or near Napa, but indoor rock climbing is usually how I spend my evenings when I have money for a membership and time to go. It's a great workout for the core, but since you're not constantly on the wall climbing and have a bit of down time between routes, it's also a somewhat passive and relaxing activity. Don't think you have any upper body strength to even cling to the rocks? Neither do I, haha. If you can find an experienced climber or two (or even a semi-experienced climber) to give you advice on the routes, you learn to use your body to climb without using too much arm strength and utilize more skeletal strength. Climbing can even be an individual activity if you do bouldering and not top-roping, which requires a partner to help with the ropes. Mind you, one of the side effects of climbing (that some might consider unattractive) is calluses on the palms of your hands. Personally, I love having those calluses :] They feel great to me.

    If there are no rock gyms nearby or this just seems totally undesirable, yoga or pilates or fusion/yogalates/piyo are fantastic. They're all great workouts and are very relaxing (at least for me). They're not as intense as lifting weights or running or doing a zumba class, but they're still pretty physically demanding. I've also started to form some friendships with the teachers and other people in my classes :]

    Hope this helps~