Thighs and Bum excercises


Can anyone suggest some really good toning and firming excercises for your bum and inner, outer, front and back thigh??

I do the following.....

But for some reason, my bum is still a bit..uggghh - wobbly (not bad but not as tight as I would like. I do 20 of each excercise 5 times a week.


  • meganlkp

    Can anyone suggest some really good toning and firming excercises for your bum and inner, outer, front and back thigh??

    I do the following.....

    But for some reason, my bum is still a bit..uggghh - wobbly (not bad but not as tight as I would like. I do 20 of each excercise 5 times a week.
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    From my "rant thread"
    THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SPOT BURNINIG FAT. We got over this time and time again... and many people are falsely lead into believeing that it's possible thanks to the lots of advertising lyers out there. Even health and fitness magazines are known for misleading. I can't tell you how many times I see a magazine that'll read, "Do this exercise for 6 minutes a day to get a flat tummy." Well, flat tummies don't come from a single exercise. Flat tummies come from a combination of strength and cardiovascular training... oh yeah, not to mention what we put in our mouths.

    FOR BEST RESULTS USE A COMBINATION OF STRENGTH TRAINING AND CARDIO. If you do only cardio you can lose weight and burn fat, sure, but you won't really be shaping the body all that much (unless you are doing intense boot-camp style interval training... etc.). It's also very important, when strength training, to train your entire body. Muscle imbalance is a big problem and lots of people are doing it to themselves because they don't realize how important it is to train all of the muscles in the body. Muscle imbalance can cause all sorts of problems... from back pain (or pain in other areas), to an increased risk of injury, to an abnormally curved spine... What do I mean by muscular imbalance? Well, a lot of people will train their abdominals and ignore their back muscles... then they'll go to pick that box up off the floor (and likely use their back to lift instead of their legs) and "OUCH!"... there it goes! We need to train opposing muscles... biceps/triceps, abs/back, hamstrings/quads, hip flexors/glutes... and likewise, we need to really STRETCH those groups as well to avoid unwanted muscle tightness.
    That being said... there is lots of talk on here about fitness videos. I recommend buying a video set that comes as a program. You want a series that covers all angles... from strength, to cardio, to stretching. This is why I LOVE Beachbody programs and have had lots of success... they are well designed. They covers all angles of fitness and also provide nutrition information... it's laid right out there for you. So, as long as you follow it, you'll get results.
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    running is great for both you butt and your thighs.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    so your just trying to tone that area right not lose the fat from there. because you can't pick a certain part of your body to burn fat

    But you can tone areas with cardio as well as strength training and when you do both together you will see better results-- Squats and lunges are great for the thighs/butt-