Is it possible to lose weight if you gained it from medicati

I'm so depressed... I used to be so skinny but ever since I started taking this medication called 'zyprexa', I gained over 80 lbs. Someone told me before that if you gain weight from medication it's almost impossible to lose it if you still take the medication, and i'm still on it. I'm all bummed out now and feel like it's hopeless and that i'll never lose the weight no matter how much I try. Anyone else here take any meds that made you gain weight and have any success stories in where you lost the weight while you were still on the medication? I really hope the person who told me that I won't lose the weight was wrong. I know it may be harder, but I hope it's not impossible.


  • Ainsley
    Ainsley Posts: 20
    I'm so depressed... I used to be so skinny but ever since I started taking this medication called 'zyprexa', I gained over 80 lbs. Someone told me before that if you gain weight from medication it's almost impossible to lose it if you still take the medication, and i'm still on it. I'm all bummed out now and feel like it's hopeless and that i'll never lose the weight no matter how much I try. Anyone else here take any meds that made you gain weight and have any success stories in where you lost the weight while you were still on the medication? I really hope the person who told me that I won't lose the weight was wrong. I know it may be harder, but I hope it's not impossible.
  • littlespoon
    Hi Ainsley,

    It is definitely not impossible, but it is much harder. Now that isnt meant to discourage you, its to make you realise that if you are doing all that you can, DONT be hard on yourself, be patient.

    It is really difficult for people who need to take medication, especially as most GP's dont acknowledge the amount of weight gain that can occur, so the patient often feels as though THEY must be doing something wrong. You're NOT, just keep going.
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    Hang in there hun and don’t get discouraged you can lose the weight. Like littlespoon said don't be hard on yourself, be patient.
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    My sister was on prozac and she gained alot of weight with that,, i dont believe anything is imposible if you want it bad enough.. just keep in touch with all of us we'll help support you journey.. good luck
  • fitzio1015
    i'm not sure what your meds are for....but did u talk to your doctor about switching your meds....maybe there is something else you can take that won't hae the same side affects...its worth a shot

    i know after i had my son i got the depo birthcontrol shop and i really gained weight plus it messed my who body up....and i only got one shot...i went back to my obgyn and he said that was one of the side affects...yeah thanks for tellin me i had to quit taking it ....i couldn't get on the pill cuz the pill gives me migrains...

    so my advise would be go to your doctor and have a nice chat with him...

    best of luck...just remember eat heathy and if you can't lose while your on your meds maybe you can maintain the weight that you alreay at....that is better than nothin...and i bet you would feel better about yourself and cheer up...

    hope this helped you out
  • bricker06
    bricker06 Posts: 316
    i take levothyroxin for a thyroid disorder which the medicine doesnt make you gain but the thyroid controls so much of your metabolism. taking a synthetic hormone does make it much harder to lose. my doctor says its not impossible but will be much more difficult than the average person. hypothyroidism has many effects weight gain and severe fatigue being the two biggest. my biggest goal is to stay focused even if im to tired to work out i need to do it any way. i'll tell you i've only been doing this for 2 weeks but i feel great and i feel guilty if i try to skip out on exercise for the day. i end up at least walking on the treadmill 30 mins sometimes its late in the evening but guilt takes over and i must exercise. im not comlaining its better than eating junk. hang in there. what is the medicine for? maybe it will be something you could stop taking with weight loss and if not maybe there is another medicine you could try. talk to your doctor thats what we pay them for right?