Any vegetarians?



  • amyschaefer
    I have been vegetarian for 19 years because I don't want to eat dead animals and don't like the animals for food industry. I do eat eggs and dairy though. I would love to be friends with any vegetarians who want to add me. :)
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    I'm almost veggie, meaning that I'm working back into a meat-free diet gradually instead of giving up meat straight like I have before. When I did, I felt sick for 2 weeks straight because I didn't know what I was doing to myself - my body was shocked. Then I felt the best I had until then (and have since), having given up meat and eggs but still consuming dairy. I've been giving up meat gradually and I still eat fish but thats it for the moment. I'll soon give fish up as well. I'm not sure if I'll go totally vegan but it's quite possible.

    I don't push others and I've never had to vehemently defend myself either, but I'm also not terribly judgmental and critical of others' ways when they do not affect me. If you feel the same way, feel free to add me:flowerforyou:
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    another pet hate: if you eat fish you are NOT a vegetarian!!!!!! Seriously people its not that complicated. a vegetarian does not eat
    animals. fish = animals!!! i dont mind if you eat fish but then you are not a vegetarian so stop kidding yourself!!!!

    If you are talking about the post that says "I'm a pseudo-vegetarian", then you may want to look up the meaning of the prefix "pseudo-":huh: . I agree with your position, but your pettiness is rude and revolting.
  • stargazer008
    Hey I'm a vegetarian too! I've been one for 1 year and 5 months! :)
    Don't let anyone bring you down on vegetarianism!
  • veggiepug
    I like taking gummie vitamins. I makes me feel like a kid!

    I love gummie vitamins, but I can't find any without gelatin!
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    I like taking gummie vitamins. I makes me feel like a kid!

    I love gummie vitamins, but I can't find any without gelatin!

    Crap. It's been so long since I was a vegetarian I forgot about gelatin and stuff like that. But I love my sour flintstone gummies :(
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I feel there is a lot of hostility toward vegetarianism/veganism. I feel that it shouldn't be this way. I have been taught in my country that we all are supposed to be supportive of others' differences whether its race, religion, culture, belief, sexual identity, WHATEVER! Just love one another and don't be judgemental. It seems this is very difficult for people to do.

    If someone eats fish, okay! At least they aren't eating cows. At least they're on the right track, thats GREAT!

    I'm vegan for almost 1 year now and LOVING! my vegan life. My boyfriend went vegan with me and he loves it too. We've found so much delicious vegan food, learned so much, shared with our families, and met new friends.

    Its the BEST thing I've ever done.
  • tattooedtwiin
    Vegetarian here, feel free to add me.
  • RokMomma79
    RokMomma79 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm going on 2 yrs vegan and have never felt better. I don't get sick anymore, I have loads of energy, my digestion is top notch, my blood pressure perfect and I am generally healthy as a horse. I get regular B vitamin shots at my Naturopath and have my iron and zinc level checked every 6 months. I do semi annual detoxes as well, just to give the old bod a kick in the butt.

    For me veganism started out as a 21 day cleanse, then I started reading more and more about factory farming, environmental impact and health implications of a meat and dairy diet and my mind was made up. I got loads of flax at first, and sometimes still do but its hard to argue with someone like myself who made sure to become very well read & educated on both side of the subject.

    I'll go toe to toe with any omni any day, but I prefer not to, and that people keep their negative thoughts and opinions to themselves :)
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    I am a pescetarian (veggie who eats fish)! working on becomeing fully vegetarian :D
    adding you!! <3
  • SU51ELH
    SU51ELH Posts: 2
    I've just joined myfitnesspal and am looking through topics to see where I might fit. I'm a vegetarian, have been for almost 30 years. I'm not a political veggie, I just really don't like the taste, and especially the texture, of meat and fish. In many ways I wish I did eat a wider variety of foods, especially fish as its good for you, but I really don't like it. However, I do get cross about non-free range chickens, the huge waste of fish that comes from the quota system that means dead fish are thrown back, and cruel transportation of livestock - so I'm glad I'm a veggie!

    I'd like to hear any good ideas for weight loss veggie style, good low calorie recipes etc. Looking forward to being part of this community.