being single sucks (sometimes)



  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    hahahahaha lol yes single life does have a lot of perks, i guess i should of titled this differently cause all ive been doing is complaining about the best friend and not the being single, but i guess ya just get lonely sometimes, ugh im so confused! lol and i live with my parents and i still dont argue over who put the empty carton back in the fridge, cause they always know it was me that emptied it and threw it away hahahhaha lol

    having someone doesn't necessarily cure the lonely... I can't tell you how many nights I wish my husband wasn't so far away or when he was here that he worked a normal shift so i could spend time with him... so even though you're best friend doesn't have romantic feeling towards you enjoy the things you do together. i did get to marry my best friend but job requirements require him to not be here and while i wouldn't change any of it for anything, it sure would be nice to be able to spend time with him thats not through a computer. thats the thing i miss the most, just going out to grab dinner or taking the dog for a walk, or hell holding hands while walking into the grocery store...