Please talk me out of this.



  • mamaredhead
    Maybe you want to put a little reminder just for you on the door of the fridge. A magnet, a sticker, a picture, nothing explicitly connected with eating, but it has to mean something to YOU. Put it on there (if there's a possibility to do so) and let it tell you what you cannot always tell yourself: "Be reasonable, be nice to yourself, watch what you're eating, stay healthy!"

    That might help in "times of trouble". :-)

    Keep on doing the right thang!!! <3
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    i'm not sure where you are in the world, but when you posted this, it says it was posted at 1:23 am. Instead of staying up that late and starting to feel hungry, start making it a habit to go to bed at eleven o'clock. I sleep the majority of nights from 11-7, after reading an article that said you should sleep from 10-6 or 11-7. Since then, I have been sleeping a lot better and have had more energy during the day.
    I understand it's the summer and you want to stay up late and whatever before school starts, but getting an adequate amount is SO important for weight loss.