Whose in your support system



  • morganginga
    morganginga Posts: 33 Member
    First, I would like to say that I try not to talk about it too much with people, unless they seem really interested. I don't want to bore people by going on and on. That said I still catch myself mentioning being sore from a workout, or if I found a really tasty good-for-you meal. :-P

    My mom is a big support no matter what. When I lived in the same city as her we went to a weight loss clinic together and both lost a bunch of weight. I've put it all back on over time, and now that I live in a different city we don't go to the clinic together anymore (money was a main factor for this originally). My fiance is supportive, but I don't really talk to him about it too much. He has always said that it doesn't matter what I weigh he loves me. The other big support is MFP. It really is awesome on here.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    My husband supports me and my MFP friends here always support me.
    My husband lost 30 lbs. for a hernia surgery and he looks great and is still
    keeping it off. He is my support to keep going. To keep motivated is me,
    I just do the exercising and if I miss a day I am right back at it the next day.
    You can do this !!
    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • tusher2011
    tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member
    Many of my friends on MFP, who even if they just comment "good job" on my exercises or good diary, helps keep me motivated.

    My girlfriends IRL who we email with on a regular basis letting each other know what we ate/worked out. We just started doing that, but 2 of my friends aren't quite "there" yet in terms of getting serious. But they are trying and I hope I am motivating them as much as they are me:)

    My husband is a pretty good support for me too. He encourages me to get up and get to the gym. The only problem with him, is he's very black and white about losing weight. His thing is "you eat less, you'll lose it". yeah, that hasn't been working for me recently. But he never puts me down or says negative things.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    My support “team” is my general physician, who helps me manage my diabetes and general health; my cardiologist, who helps me manage my Atrial Fibrillation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and low calorie, sodium, cholesterol and fat diet; my wife, who doesn’t have the medical issues but is eating what I cook for me on my restricted diet (I do the cooking, I’m retired and she still has 4 months to work); my daughters, one who runs half marathons and the other who does palio and crossfit; my son, who doesn’t make me cook for him; my brother, who is a fitness freak and never let himself get unhealthy; and my sister, who is a cancer survivor
  • Trig0r
    Trig0r Posts: 47
    The mirror.
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    No-one....just me, the scales and the tape-measure. Thats all the support I need as they never lie!!
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    My main support is here. I love my husband but he doesn't care if I lose weight. He actually liked it more when I was bigger. He doesn't try and sabotage what I do but doesn't go out of his way to help. My parents are supportive when I see them.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    My fiance and best friend... and of course all you lovlies on MFP. My family supports me, of course, but theyre like silent supporters. They don't ask how I'm doing with it or anything like that.
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    MFP seems to be the only support I have. Everyone else wants me to eat like a hog and never exercise. :(
  • Rabbittrax
    I'm hoping my husband will be my biggest supporter/motivator. I just started my weight loss efforts because it's time to take the pounds off (again) and keep it off. I hate being overweight and have dieted all my life only to eventually gain it all back. I am going to do it this time no matter what! I've been worried about my husband's extreme weight gain over the last year and a half and concerned that he's going to have major health problems if he doesn't lose some weight. He makes derogatory remarks about his current weight and says he need to lose, but keeps shoveling in the food and snacks all day long. So....when I signed onto MFP, told him about the site, and then started eating differently, he followed right along. As long as I stay with it, he will stay with it, so for my own selfish reasons, I'm going to stay with it/him because I don't want to spend my senior years alone. We live in a small rural area and don't know very many people here so it's just him, me and my friends on MFP. I can do this!
  • jesienia
    jesienia Posts: 294
    The only real support I have is on here. My family thinks I need to stop exercising so much and wants me to start baking again. That really doesn't help.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    My BF, now fiance, has been awesome! All my friends at the WW meetings... and the WW members online. Plus, my new friends that met through running. And my co-workers.

    Basically.... everyone! LOL

    Well, except my own mother, but that's a whole other topic....
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Mostly Me.I have tried working with people but it never helps me. I have lost more weight on my own. My boyfriend tells me I look great and that I should live a little. He gets tired of me telling him how many calories something has. He will ask me is I have been going to the gym!
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Oh my MFP buddy's are wonderful support.