A work in progress

Rserda Posts: 5
edited September 30 in Success Stories
Suffering from not only 2 herniated discs but also a collapsed disc all of which were the result of a car accident where I was rearended by an off duty EMT who had just finished working and had to talk on her cell phone to stay away. At the time of the accident I was 170lbs. This all happened on March 2, 2009, fast forward to May of 2011 and I'm sitting at a whopping 219lbs. At that point I refused to hit 220lbs and made the decision that something has to change. I'm in pain all day every day from my back anyway so I might as well make the pain work for me right? At that point I started changing my life for the better. Strict diet, exercise and the thing that I feel has helped the most, I started Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Today I stepped on the scale and finally hit my most recent short term goal of 195lbs. Next stop 190lbs and on the road to 165lbs.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You can lose without exercise. Just stick tocalorie goal.
    I have had 2 c-spine surgerys and walk a little.
  • Rserda
    Rserda Posts: 5
    Oh I know I can lose weight without exercise. I've always been an active person and I enjoy working out. The last 2 years have been extremely depressing for me as I felt that I wouldn't be able to work out and be active anymore. Now that I am finally working out and living a more active lifestyle I am so much happier. If I miss a day here and there at the gym I don't mind, but if I miss a day of Jiu Jitsu is a different story. It's a great way to exercise for me. Extremely low impact,strengthens my core and promotes flexibility.
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Good for you for getting back on track. I am sure you are feeling great and really motivated now that you have seen some of the weight loss! I hear what you are saying about working out despite the pain. I have always had lower back pain, it hurts weather I work out or not..so I may as well be exercising right! And actually it bothers me less often now-so that is a bonus!

    Stick with it..I am sure we will see another update from you soon!
  • Rserda
    Rserda Posts: 5
    That is exactly it, my back hurts regardless of whether I work out or not so I might as well work out right? At least this pain comes with benefits haha.
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