advice for overweight children



  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm having similar issues with my 8 year old son. Thank you all for your suggestions. There are some great ideas out there.
    Keep them coming!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    Another rule that we have in our house is when your belly is full, you stop. This is something that I never really learned as a child. I do not make my kids finish everything on their plate, nor do I use dessert as an incentive to finish their food. I dish out smaller portions and when they are full, they are allowed to be done. I am sure there have been times when they have conveniently been too full to finish their veggies, but I try to keep the big picture in mind.

    I think one of the best things you can do is to model good behavior for your daughter, if she sees you eating healthy and enjoying exercise she will be more likely to follow suit. Remind her she is beautiful and healthy, strong and perfect the way she is.

    I agree with this. I read in my parents magazine that you should never make your kids eat everything on their plate, just tell them eat as much as you want of dinner (of course it should be healthy) and there is dessert after. You should never say "eat this and you get dessert" becasue it teaches them the meal is the part to "get through" and the dessert is the good stuff. I thought that was very smart. Also, nothing will benefit her more that a good role model, and it looks like you are on the right track there. Good luck!
  • jojobird2011
    Wow..This is a biggy. I know here we don't have a lot of junk food in the house. When it's not here Jayden doesn't ask for it. Feed her the way you eat when your eating healthy. She's still a little bundle of energy so an extra bit of good for her food is ok. When she's full..she'll stop. You shouldn't stop the girls from having candy but monitor it. We tell Jayden that it 's bad for her weight. She never has to know that she shouldn't eat too much because it'll make her fat. They don't have to know that...That will in the long run make them afraid of food and your right. You don't want that. Take the girls on a nice evening walk with you. That will not only help them with the fitness will give the 3 of you some great bonding time. Remember..If you just gave the girls one brownie..It's ok to say no more. I buy baby carrots and we love to snack on them. Chantal..this is trial and error..You know what to do and what not to do. Also Maddie is old enough so that you can talk to her about food..Talk to her about good and bad choices and that it's ok to have that piece of candy every now and then. Talk to them..Follow your heart. The right words will come out. But the best way to teach them is to lead by example..Let them see how good you feel after you eat an apple instead of a candy bar. Good luck.
  • jojobird2011
    You got some great advice Chantal...See,people do care
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    make sure u use say that the family is eatin healthier, not that u're on a diet.

    so the word of the day is:

    HEALTHY, HEALTHY, HEALTHY!! :flowerforyou:
  • ChanMay
    ChanMay Posts: 39
    Thank you again everyone!! Wondering advice and great things to try. This afternoon is grocery day so instead of putting eveything in the cart with her following along, I am going to take the great advice of asking her ti help out and pick things out she would like to try :) I don't tend to involve the kids in the groceries/food preparation so that will be my first big step!