Workout, eat right, still can't lose weight...



  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I'm eating more and exercising less, almost a perfect split with carbs protein and fats...All of a sudden I'm stuck.

    I'm thinking it's because I don't want to have to go shopping, like losing one more pound I won't have any more choice but to go shopping. UGH...

    I'm staying off the scales this week, eating my 1200, exercising my 400, eating half...and by Saturday morning, this will all be behind me.......maybe it will twist to the back then I won't see it...there's a thought.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    I've been exercising 30 minutes a day since 1/1/12. Only eat about 1000 calories a day. ... The weight should be falling off, shouldn't it?

    Nope. Same advice given to the original poster also applies to you.

    There are lots of BMR calculators out there. Use one to calculate your BMR. That's the amount of calories your body burns per day just by existing, as if you had laid in bed all day every day.

    Let's assume your BMR is 1400 or so (impossible to say since I don't know your height/weight, but should be a close estimate). That means that you must eat 1400 calories per day just for your organs to properly function. Add to that the fact that it takes energy to get out of bed, to get dressed, to go to work, even to sit on the couch. You're eating less than that. Your body is not getting what it needs and thinks that it is starving. It goes into a low energy calorie conservation mode so that you don't die. You therefore have to work considerably harder just to burn off any calories to lose weight. Your body is holding onto every spare calorie it can get right now.

    MFP should have all the numbers for you. Stick to them and you will lose weight. Your "Remaining calories" should be as close to zero as possible.
  • warhukker
    1000 calories is not enough food,you're body is in starvation mode,and is hannging on to fat,take calories up to at least 1500
    and one day splurge on a favorite food.
  • rachelhodgetts
    Just read this and felt compelled to reply as I have EXACTLY the same problem. I exercise pretty hard (running every day and burning between 300-500cals) and also do some weights exercises 2-3 times a week. I stick to 1200 net calories a day (so if I burn off 300 calories my total calories for the day would be 1500), and I have actually gained 2lbs in the last weeks. I haven't upped my exercise habits much (I run every day anyway usually) in fact I have actually reduced the running and just walked briskly for double the time during a lot of my work outs - due to feeling too worn out from lack of food. So I don't really how I can be losing fat and gaining lean muscle? I am 5'7 (169cm) and weigh 139lbs - so not overweight, but I'd like to be thin rather than just average. My diet is low fat and probably slightly high sugar, I eat A LOT of fruit and lots of veg as well. (like between 7-10 of the recommended 5 a day)

    Can anyone advise?!! Feeling like my hard work has been pointless :(
  • Sp1ritgirl
    I have my whole family on what I have told them is a lifestyle change. Look up the following and decide for yourself if you think the doctors are giving advice you can accept: "The 6 week cure for the middle age middle" - (You do not have to be middle aged to benefit from losing the abdominal fat you may not even know or think you have); "Protein Power" - kind of older book, some items are updated if you use the first book along with the 2nd. Both are written by a duo of bariatric doctors named Michael and Mary Eades. The books are on Amazon, on their website: - I have children from 11 to 19, as well as my husband and I all changing the way we eat for good...and so far amazing benefits have arisen and we are all happier and healthier after only 4 weeks, with much more to come, I am sure.
    Also, with the insane amount of exercise you are doing, where do you find the time to have a life?! All that cardio will NOT get you lean - especially for women. We do not have the testosterone men have, therefore, the weight lifting will not bulk us up, but will pump up our lean muscle...if you cut out the carbs and ramp up the protein. We are doing this and it is working. But it's not a diet, it's a way of life...Best of Luck, whichever direction you take.
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    Everyone always talks about starvation mode despite the fact that there is not one piece of scientific evidence to support it. It is fictional. Eat too few calories and you'll get fat? Lol did you ever see a fat anorexic? Ever see a fat person from a starving country like Ethiopia? Don't eat carbs they'll say next, despite the fact that there are billions of skinny Asians who eat rice 3 times a day and millions of skinny Italians who eat pasta and bread every day. Then they'll tell you you'll lose muscle if you don't take protein shakes every 3 hours. The only animals on the planet that eat all day long are the domesticated pet and humans, both of which are overweight. An animal in the wild is lucky to get a good meal once a week and so were we when we were hunters and gatherers. Do you know there isn't a single fitness model or bodybuilder who cuts out carbs or relies on protein shakes to get ready for a competition? The truth is they eat very little before a competition. And guess what? They don't gain weight. Here's my advice. First track every calorie you take in. You may be eating more calories than you think. And pay special attention to what you drink. Many people ignore those calories. Second, try eating very few calories once or twice a week and not eating anything but water after 6:00. Eat good foods, skip any protein shakes or processed foods and cut out as much saturated fat and simple sugars you can. Eat chicken, fish, rice, oatmeal, egg whites, cereal with skim milk, veggies and limited fruit. Drink water and unsweetened tea or coffee only. As far as cutting out weights and doing more cardio - that will get you skinny but you're going to lose a lot of the muscle you worked so hard to get. Muscle boosts your resting metabolism so you should want muscle. Swap your long cardio sessions for 5 or 6 minutes of sprint intervals after your weight sessions. One more thing you may want to do is rest more. You may be training too often, which causes your cortisol levels to get out of whack and causes your body to retain water. Your muscles heal and recover when you rest them so when you feel run down and start to hold water, try taking a few days off from anything.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Everyone always talks about starvation mode despite the fact that there is not one piece of scientific evidence to support it. It is fictional. Eat too few calories and you'll get fat? Lol did you ever see a fat anorexic? Ever see a fat person from a starving country like Ethiopia? Don't eat carbs they'll say next, despite the fact that there are billions of skinny Asians who eat rice 3 times a day and millions of skinny Italians who eat pasta and bread every day. Then they'll tell you you'll lose muscle if you don't take protein shakes every 3 hours. The only animals on the planet that eat all day long are the domesticated pet and humans, both of which are overweight. An animal in the wild is lucky to get a good meal once a week and so were we when we were hunters and gatherers. Do you know there isn't a single fitness model or bodybuilder who cuts out carbs or relies on protein shakes to get ready for a competition? The truth is they eat very little before a competition. And guess what? They don't gain weight. Here's my advice. First track every calorie you take in. You may be eating more calories than you think. And pay special attention to what you drink. Many people ignore those calories. Second, try eating very few calories once or twice a week and not eating anything but water after 6:00. Eat good foods, skip any protein shakes or processed foods and cut out as much saturated fat and simple sugars you can. Eat chicken, fish, rice, oatmeal, egg whites, cereal with skim milk, veggies and limited fruit. Drink water and unsweetened tea or coffee only. As far as cutting out weights and doing more cardio - that will get you skinny but you're going to lose a lot of the muscle you worked so hard to get. Muscle boosts your resting metabolism so you should want muscle. Swap your long cardio sessions for 5 or 6 minutes of sprint intervals after your weight sessions. One more thing you may want to do is rest more. You may be training too often, which causes your cortisol levels to get out of whack and causes your body to retain water. Your muscles heal and recover when you rest them so when you feel run down and start to hold water, try taking a few days off from anything.

    Strong first post. I mean that. *brofist*
  • praevalere
    praevalere Posts: 24
    Thanks for posting this. The idiocy in this thread had it coming, but I see you covered it nicely.

    "eat too few calories and you will gain weight!!" -- lol really? remember the concentration camps? there is far too much bad information passed around these forums.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    Just read this and felt compelled to reply as I have EXACTLY the same problem. I exercise pretty hard (running every day and burning between 300-500cals) and also do some weights exercises 2-3 times a week. I stick to 1200 net calories a day (so if I burn off 300 calories my total calories for the day would be 1500), and I have actually gained 2lbs in the last weeks. I haven't upped my exercise habits much (I run every day anyway usually) in fact I have actually reduced the running and just walked briskly for double the time during a lot of my work outs - due to feeling too worn out from lack of food. So I don't really how I can be losing fat and gaining lean muscle? I am 5'7 (169cm) and weigh 139lbs - so not overweight, but I'd like to be thin rather than just average. My diet is low fat and probably slightly high sugar, I eat A LOT of fruit and lots of veg as well. (like between 7-10 of the recommended 5 a day)

    Can anyone advise?!! Feeling like my hard work has been pointless :(

    If you weigh only 139 lbs. at 5'7", why do you need to lose more weight? In your photo, you look very thin.

    Also, while there a few folks denying "starvation mode", there is no denying that OP and some other posters on this thread are eating at very severe deficits that are going to have some negative long-term results.
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    I agree, eat more and watch your macros. Also make sure you either do carb cycling or a cheat meal once a week. If you eat too little and is perfectly constant your body will adapt to burning less to use less. You have to quick start your metabolism once a week, increase insulin and so forth.

    Being too good sometimes means being bad :-)

    Also, try getting out of your pump class. I liked it in the beginning but if you use that as your strenght exercise then you are really limiting yourself. I remember my teacher and one of her students who had been going to her class in forever look more than just a bit heavy. They were strong, don't get me wrong, had muscle but also had quite a bit of fat. I decided to branch out and move to free weights on my own and what a difference. Get out, try something different.

    Good luck
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    When Sylvester Stallone wanted to get ripped for Rocky 3 he ate 10 egg whites and a piece of toast a day and a piece of fruit or oatmeal cookie every 3rd day. He didn't get fat. He got one of the best physiques ever! All these so called experts take a woman looking to lose substantial weight and tell her to eat all day long. It's laughable. Eating all the time put the weight on to begin with. Eating the same amount of calories but changing the kinds of foods those calories come from won't help you lose weight lol.
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    YOU HIT THAT ONE SQUARE ON THE NOSE. Got into a one week stall, was working out excessively (burning 1000+ calories in workouts alone, 6 + days per week) and the scale stopped dead. Took one day off, fed my body, and dropped 1.2 pounds instantly.
  • EriB84
    EriB84 Posts: 2 Member
    My calories limit is 1200 I should increase it? I just started this program and now I'm already scared lol I only lost 1 lb. this week so far with it, so should I change it? I am early enough in my diet where I want to do the right thing now and not weeks later when I realize that I haven't lost anything. I snack in between my meals, something healthy of course, yogurt, fruit, etc. Do you think I should change something now, or wait and see results?
  • EllaIsNotEnchanted
    EllaIsNotEnchanted Posts: 226 Member
    Everyone always talks about starvation mode despite the fact that there is not one piece of scientific evidence to support it. It is fictional. Eat too few calories and you'll get fat? Lol did you ever see a fat anorexic? Ever see a fat person from a starving country like Ethiopia? Don't eat carbs they'll say next, despite the fact that there are billions of skinny Asians who eat rice 3 times a day and millions of skinny Italians who eat pasta and bread every day. Then they'll tell you you'll lose muscle if you don't take protein shakes every 3 hours. The only animals on the planet that eat all day long are the domesticated pet and humans, both of which are overweight. An animal in the wild is lucky to get a good meal once a week and so were we when we were hunters and gatherers. Do you know there isn't a single fitness model or bodybuilder who cuts out carbs or relies on protein shakes to get ready for a competition? The truth is they eat very little before a competition. And guess what? They don't gain weight. Here's my advice. First track every calorie you take in. You may be eating more calories than you think. And pay special attention to what you drink. Many people ignore those calories. Second, try eating very few calories once or twice a week and not eating anything but water after 6:00. Eat good foods, skip any protein shakes or processed foods and cut out as much saturated fat and simple sugars you can. Eat chicken, fish, rice, oatmeal, egg whites, cereal with skim milk, veggies and limited fruit. Drink water and unsweetened tea or coffee only. As far as cutting out weights and doing more cardio - that will get you skinny but you're going to lose a lot of the muscle you worked so hard to get. Muscle boosts your resting metabolism so you should want muscle. Swap your long cardio sessions for 5 or 6 minutes of sprint intervals after your weight sessions. One more thing you may want to do is rest more. You may be training too often, which causes your cortisol levels to get out of whack and causes your body to retain water. Your muscles heal and recover when you rest them so when you feel run down and start to hold water, try taking a few days off from anything.

    I'm quoting because everyone is saying eat more & for the most part I agree with this dude.

    I'll add on- you are probably not sizing your food up to the correct scale. As for what you eat, that is up to you to decide. The whole cannot eat after 6 is broscience.

    Seriously. Eat less-move more.
    You are doing one or the other wrong.
    You are probably eating more than you think. Buy a kitchen scale. Even oil has calories in it.
    The data you are putting in may also be incorrect.
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    Everyone always talks about starvation mode despite the fact that there is not one piece of scientific evidence to support it. It is fictional. Eat too few calories and you'll get fat? Lol did you ever see a fat anorexic? Ever see a fat person from a starving country like Ethiopia? Don't eat carbs they'll say next, despite the fact that there are billions of skinny Asians who eat rice 3 times a day and millions of skinny Italians who eat pasta and bread every day. Then they'll tell you you'll lose muscle if you don't take protein shakes every 3 hours. The only animals on the planet that eat all day long are the domesticated pet and humans, both of which are overweight. An animal in the wild is lucky to get a good meal once a week and so were we when we were hunters and gatherers. Do you know there isn't a single fitness model or bodybuilder who cuts out carbs or relies on protein shakes to get ready for a competition? The truth is they eat very little before a competition. And guess what? They don't gain weight. Here's my advice. First track every calorie you take in. You may be eating more calories than you think. And pay special attention to what you drink. Many people ignore those calories. Second, try eating very few calories once or twice a week and not eating anything but water after 6:00. Eat good foods, skip any protein shakes or processed foods and cut out as much saturated fat and simple sugars you can. Eat chicken, fish, rice, oatmeal, egg whites, cereal with skim milk, veggies and limited fruit. Drink water and unsweetened tea or coffee only. As far as cutting out weights and doing more cardio - that will get you skinny but you're going to lose a lot of the muscle you worked so hard to get. Muscle boosts your resting metabolism so you should want muscle. Swap your long cardio sessions for 5 or 6 minutes of sprint intervals after your weight sessions. One more thing you may want to do is rest more. You may be training too often, which causes your cortisol levels to get out of whack and causes your body to retain water. Your muscles heal and recover when you rest them so when you feel run down and start to hold water, try taking a few days off from anything.

    I'm quoting because everyone is saying eat more & for the most part I agree with this dude.

    I'll add on- you are probably not sizing your food up to the correct scale. As for what you eat, that is up to you to decide. The whole cannot eat after 6 is broscience.

    Seriously. Eat less-move more.
    You are doing one or the other wrong.
    You are probably eating more than you think. Buy a kitchen scale. Even oil has calories in it.
    The data you are putting in may also be incorrect.

    I totally agree that not eating after 6 or not eating carbs after 6 is bro science. I actually read a study recently that demonstrated good results with eating carbs before bed. I do however practice intermittent fasting( studies do show this can be good for your overall health and boosting HGH ) so I have found not eating from six through the night is easier than fasting for that long during the day. I believe that is why so many people practice it. I definitely notice a difference personally.
  • Jennybenny5785
    I'm here to finally lose weight! I workout 5 days a week and have participated in 6 5K's so far this year... I eat way under my alloted calories however, I still can't lose weight! I have actually went up a size in jean because my quads have gotten larger... Don't get me wrong, being fit and STRONG is great, especially with the recent Warrior Dash I just finished! ... I just want to lean out a bit and keep my muscle tone...

    My new plan of attack is to increasse my cardio and decrease my weights... Is anyone with me to get the cardio in for 30 hour a day, 5 days a week?

    I have been doing the exact same thing and I finally went to my doctor last week because I was so frustrated with not loosing one pound after working out 5 times a week for the last 8 months and also only eating 1600cal per day. He sent me to see the nutritionist at his office and she put me on the Ideal Protein Diet. Which is a very low carb low calorie diet. I am on day three of the diet so far I don't weigh in again until next Wednesday so I don't know how it is working yet. It is suppose to work quickly with a big weight loss the first week so we shall see. The Ideal Protein Diet is pretty pricey so if you are on a tight budget it might be hard for some people to do. But you might want to look into it or at least look into other low carb low calorie diet plans.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    My calories limit is 1200 I should increase it? I just started this program and now I'm already scared lol I only lost 1 lb. this week so far with it, so should I change it? I am early enough in my diet where I want to do the right thing now and not weeks later when I realize that I haven't lost anything. I snack in between my meals, something healthy of course, yogurt, fruit, etc. Do you think I should change something now, or wait and see results?
    A loss of 1 lb. a week is very good. To lose at a faster rate is unhealthy.
  • SimoneNinan
    SimoneNinan Posts: 23
    If you eat cleanly, and watch your macros, you will be surprised with how easy it is to get lean. Add some weight training (instead of even MORE cardio), and you will add muscle. Adding muscle will not only make you look leaner, but it will burn more calories over the day than if you're just thin.

    What do you mean, watch your macros? I'm new to this world and I'm right there with the OP, minus the under-eating part....
  • EriB84
    EriB84 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you! :) So far I have lost 5 lbs and am getting excited because I see the results (even though it is slow, but it's there :)