This is why I always give up!



  • Charlottekd
    Someone else posted this article, it may no be the case for you yet, but it is something to remember. And it's also good for the future on why we give up and gain the weight back. I also weigh myself everyday, but only take the average as my weekly weigh in, since my weight fluctuates so much during the week. Another website a fellow mfp-er suggested is for tracking your weight everyday and SEEING the graph move up and down. Hope this helps.

    Thanks for the active-passive thing. I was getting quite depressed at the beginning of it, but as you read through it gets a little better and as you understand it makes perfect sense!! I will definately take this into account when i reach a plataeu! I may even have to re-post for others!!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I did not read everyone's posts above.

    I am not an expert (in anything)

    Breathe!! Relax this is a lifestyle not a race. This journey is for the rest of your life. Think long term!! As you learn more about your journey, clean eating, the foods and drinks and how they help or hinder your weight loss you will find yourself in a more comfortable postion and you won't be looking back to the 'old' you anymore.
    You have just begun. You will find that there are bumps in the road along the way, don't panic, just pick yourself up and move on. You know why you are here and you are better off for being here.


    Girl!! Get away from those scales.

    Measure your body (chest, waist, thighs, arms, neck, etc) write them down. Measure yourself once a week or whenever but don't obsess over it.

    Pick a day (once a week, once a month, whatever) to weigh yourself.

    On that day, first thing in the morning:

    After you go to the bathroom
    Before you consume food or drink
    Place scale (digitial (get one)) in the same spot on the floor (no rug)
    weigh yourself 3 times in a row.

    Record your weight.


    Excellent, excellent advice!!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Stay on track and off the scale!!
  • cricketannie
    cricketannie Posts: 184 Member
    If I read your message correctly you lost 10 pounds in a week. That is probably at least part of why you are not losing now. You body needs to catch up. Also, if you just started to workout that can cause weight gain because your muscles are not used to it and retain water. Finally, don't trust the scale. Get out a measuring tape and take you chest, waist, hip, and thigh measurements as they are a much more accurate picture of what is going on than the scale is.

    Thanks for this tip! I have the same problem with my scale not giving me my true weight. I can step on it 5 times in a row and get 5 different weights. It all depends on what part of my feet I put the most pressure while I stand there. I think I will start measuring inches and only weighing once a week or once a month.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    You said it aren't consistent. Losing weight the first week is EASY especially if you just go in calorie deficit after a being sedentary and overeating CONSISTENTLY for a good period of time. And that loss will be mostly water. 10lbs of fat would equate to 35,000 calories burned. You know you didn't do that. As for gaining after "working out" it's water retention. If you're consistent with exercise, this will eventually go away since your body is retaining water and glycogen in anticipation of working out again. Consistency is the difference.

    Old saying, "Consistency is the difference between true champions and occasional winners". It's true with weight loss. You can occasionally win, but if you're not consistent you'll never reach your ultimate goal.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    "Well under calories"
    I'd bet that's the problem. :O(
  • drednme
    drednme Posts: 4
    Thanks everyone for the wonderful answers- I didn't disagree with any of them! I am absolutely an "instant gratification" kind of person. I've been overweight my entire life and like so many others I've been "dieting" most of my life. Well.... not anymore. I've got two toddlers who look up to me, and I must learn to lead by example. It's time to stop putting myself last, and realize when I take care of me, I will take better care of my husband, my kids, and my farm animals.

    Thanks for all the help and listening to me whine this morning after a disappointment. I stood back up and dusted myself off. It's was great to have so much support, especially since it was my first post and you guys obviously don't know me. It's awesome how much support there is here and I'm thankful I found MFP!

    Time to get off the couch and bare the heat so that I can get my chores done. Thanks again everyone- this isn't the last time you'lll here from me. :)