Question for those who reached their goal of 100+ pounds.

So I'm almost 80lbs down. The first 30 I did over two years. Little stuff here and there and quit when I stopped swing results. I found MFP in Febuary and was hooked! I lost 2+lbs a week. I lost 50lb in four months without exercise. I was on cloud nine. I weighed less than when I met my honey. So for months I have platuaed. I have never stuck to anything this long so I have some questions. I was doing the 1370 calories they gave me and working out. Nothing changed. Although the exercise part gave me energy which is priceless. I decided to up my calories and that helped. I changed my goal from 2lbs to 1.5lbs. Those 200 calories made me fuller and more satisfied. My honey said I had a better attitude too lol! Well yesterday was a challenging day and I wet over my 1590 calories by 200. I was a little dissapointed bc I have mastered not going over. I weighed in and lost 2lbs. My question this normal? Does my body want more at this point? I feel kinda stupid for asking but since I have never stuck to anything I really dont know. I read about calorie zig zaging and all that but idk. I guess I'm scared to try anything bc I don't want to gain anything back. Any information would be appreciated.


  • kimbee383
    kimbee383 Posts: 2 Member
    You can increase your calories if you are hungry, but make the calories be a lean protein. I had this problem a few years ago and that did the trick. :smile:
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 309 Member
    Sometimes a jump in calories is what your body needs. I have a day once a week where I indulge a little more than all the other days. I always seem to weigh less the day after that, for some reason. The body is a weird thing. I haven’t lost quite 100 pounds yet, getting close. I’ve lost 89 pounds and my body has been pleateauing for quite a while now. I only move down on the scale a few pounds a month, so it is quite frustrating. I just keep reminding myself that it’s a lifestyle now, so eventually I’ll lose the rest (25 pounds to go!) and I will get to my long term goal in time. If you feel hungry, eat a little bit more. Sometimes you just needs to change things up. Good luck with all your goals and dreams! :)
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    I am going to say yes...the increase probably is helping- I know for me, and each of us is different- as I started to eat back more and more of my exercise calories i started to lose more weight. I was shocked- I would suggest going to 1400-1600 per day- you will need to find the balance for your body to help you maintain and continue to lose! (if you are still trying to lose)

    About 6 weeks ago I changed from 2 pounds per week to 1 pound per week....and I find I am losing again even though I am eatting more.....again you have to put the right stuff in your mouth but you are totally doing that! You can see from your results!

    Try for 2 weeks increasing and see what happens....don't increase huge- but you have to work with your body to figure it out :)