

  • BlueAventer
    I'm not posting it ... :wink: :wink:
  • Ambria0516
    I know it's going to bring this topic down - but for one day . . . I would like my daughter to be free / healed from all her disabilities, watch her play w/ a smile, enjoy what life really has to offer and to be able to hear her say: "I love you Dad" just once . . . .

    AWWW! I wish that could happen for you. I have no idea what her situation is, but you and her are in my prayers. You didnt bring it down, you made it real.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    I know it's going to bring this topic down - but for one day . . . I would like my daughter to be free / healed from all her disabilities, watch her play w/ a smile, enjoy what life really has to offer and to be able to hear her say: "I love you Dad" just once . . . .

    I would wish that for you also
  • PecanTanDiva
    I know it's going to bring this topic down - but for one day . . . I would like my daughter to be free / healed from all her disabilities, watch her play w/ a smile, enjoy what life really has to offer and to be able to hear her say: "I love you Dad" just once . . . .

    One of my children (Twins) have Autism. At first I was going to write something totally different until I read your comment. I then thought of what my family would be missing out on. I wish he could be abke to control his tantrums and we can get through the day without him fussing all the time. he would be able to let us know what is really on his mind instead of having it all balled up and not able to share his emotions with us all.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I know it's going to bring this topic down - but for one day . . . I would like my daughter to be free / healed from all her disabilities, watch her play w/ a smile, enjoy what life really has to offer and to be able to hear her say: "I love you Dad" just once . . . .

    Down? I think not dude. You just bought it home for all of us. You have a grown man in pink about to come to tears of joy right now for hearing you say that. I pray that day come true for you...if only once.
  • JoeB71
    JoeB71 Posts: 115 Member
    I know it's going to bring this topic down - but for one day . . . I would like my daughter to be free / healed from all her disabilities, watch her play w/ a smile, enjoy what life really has to offer and to be able to hear her say: "I love you Dad" just once . . . .

    Down? I think not dude. You just bought it home for all of us. You have a grown man in pink about to come to tears of joy right now for hearing you say that. I pray that day come true for you...if only once.
    I definitely got chocked up too. Very touching.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I know it's going to bring this topic down - but for one day . . . I would like my daughter to be free / healed from all her disabilities, watch her play w/ a smile, enjoy what life really has to offer and to be able to hear her say: "I love you Dad" just once . . . .

    Down? I think not dude. You just bought it home for all of us. You have a grown man in pink about to come to tears of joy right now for hearing you say that. I pray that day come true for you...if only once.
    I definitely got chocked up too. Very touching.

    thats awesome :)
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I know it's going to bring this topic down - but for one day . . . I would like my daughter to be free / healed from all her disabilities, watch her play w/ a smile, enjoy what life really has to offer and to be able to hear her say: "I love you Dad" just once . . . .

    I would Wish for the same.. I have a lil Boy Named Jordan Who is 4yrs old and is Legually blind & has Albinism.. So his vision is not only limited but also his time in the sun.. I would wish he could enjoy a normal life just as any other 4yr old.. Thank God For My lil Blessing Everyday.. He is the reason I have accomplished so much.. If he can go thru all the surgeries, therapy at such a young age I should be able to lose weight and keep it off so I can be around longer to take care of my special lil guy.. Love him to peices *muah*
  • sweetheart37
    I know it's going to bring this topic down - but for one day . . . I would like my daughter to be free / healed from all her disabilities, watch her play w/ a smile, enjoy what life really has to offer and to be able to hear her say: "I love you Dad" just once . . . .

    I would Wish for the same.. I have a lil Boy Named Jordan Who is 4yrs old and is Legually blind & has Albinism.. So his vision is not only limited but also his time in the sun.. I would wish he could enjoy a normal life just as any other 4yr old.. Thank God For My lil Blessing Everyday.. He is the reason I have accomplished so much.. If he can go thru all the surgeries, therapy at such a young age I should be able to lose weight and keep it off so I can be around longer to take care of my special lil guy.. Love him to peices *muah*
    nothing can top that i agree.......
  • SWEET31
    SWEET31 Posts: 40
    there are nothing that the LOVE of a parent ,and I wish that they come true ,speechless .......
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    I know it's going to bring this topic down - but for one day . . . I would like my daughter to be free / healed from all her disabilities, watch her play w/ a smile, enjoy what life really has to offer and to be able to hear her say: "I love you Dad" just once . . . .

    I too wish this for you and your family! You are in my thoughts.

    I have a brother who is now 18 years old. He was born w/ Cerebral Palsy and is unable to walk on his own, he crawls around everywhere he needs to go, but does have limited use w/ a walker. My family has struggled to get him assistance w/ the state for years! He needs things to help him. Like splints, wheelchair, a walker to assist him, ect. My parents were constantly denied medicare/medicaid and unfortunately often had to pay out of pocket for things. Fortunately my family has run into MANY blessings of people who have offered assistance. Now that he is 18, he can finally get the money and support he deserves. He will never be able to work or even be an adult, he is trapped w/ the education of a 9 year old. The one thing I would do, is cure him and take all of that away! It's so sad to watch family or anyone else for that matter go through life w/ such a struggle.....I love him with all of my heart and wish my parents had more money to provide him w/ space he needs to get around. I would give that to them if I could!