Any Libras in the House~ Birthday Challenge



  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I'm in, I want to be under 200 by my birthday... September 28! Have 12 pounds to go!
  • ohiomom0503
    ohiomom0503 Posts: 38 Member
    My birthday is September 27 and would love to lose 20 lbs by then! I'm in!
  • mrscjwilson
    Ok...Im pumped! Awesome responses! Friend me if you like I think we should start the Challenge on now here me out! I know its Friday,but my reasoning is for the simple fact that Weekends are the hardest to stay committed! So if we start our commitment on a weekend the rest of the the week will be a piece of well maybe a slice of apple.
    Im going to work on some details. Ill be reaching out to each one of you! and the cut off to join will be tomorrow at noon!
  • Sariebon
    Sariebon Posts: 52 Member
    My birthday is the 10th!

    I'm hoping to lose 10lbs by my 24th birthday - I'm also going back to Australia for vacation on the 15th, so it would be great to have shed some weight by then!
  • FemmeAndi
    FemmeAndi Posts: 107 Member
    So Im not very good at this challenge thing never really created one, but I was thinking wouldnt it be cool for all the libras on MFP to set a birthday weight loss goal together and challenge and support each other to get there?
    However if you are a Libra you very well know that some of us are not very good with small details and get bored very easily (*raises hand*, guilty)

    Any Ideas?
    Any one interested in heading this out? you never know unless you ask right?

    Well my birthday is October 17 and my goal is 14 lbs.
    Any thoughts?

    i'm in!! My bday is Oct 2nd and I would love to be at 134!! So I got 10 pounds to go! So means I gotta get 1 to 1.5 ilbs off each week! Then I will be at my goal!!!
    Birthday: OCTOBER 7TH, I am in I would love to by my birthday be at 200lbs!!! Since I weigh 240.5 im not sure if that's possible. But because as a libra we are indecisive I will set this as my goal and watch the magic!!!

    500 squats IDK i just starting squatting...LMBO!
  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    I am a Libra. My birthday is September 28th. I'd like to lose 15 lbs by then. Count me in!!!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    My 41st birthday is on September 25th. I'd like to lose at least 15 pounds by then!
  • ChirishGirl
    I LOVE that there are so many Oct. 7ths out there! Me too! My goal has been to lose 38 lbs by my bday, which will be my <drumroll please> 38th. I've got 30 more to go... definitely a challenge but it'll put me in ONEderland if I do it!
  • Gary170
    Gary170 Posts: 10
    Im with you Mrs W, i want to be in the 13stones by my 40th Birthday which is this year on the SAME DAY as yours. So anywhere in the 182 - 190 range. :)
  • mrscjwilson
    Ok gang if were not already friends please take the liberty of friend-ing me! Thanks
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    I would be interested My bday is Oct 21st. I would like to lose 30lbs.
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    My bdady is October 22nd and I would like to be at 154 (just 5lbs off from my first goal)! So I would need to lose a total of 24lbs between now and then.
  • AngelaWeber
    AngelaWeber Posts: 95 Member
    I'm in...I was setting a private goal for myself anyway. I wanted to be under 200 by my birthday but fell off the wagon for about 4 months :-( but I'm back. My birthday is October 9th and its my 30th!! What do you have to do?
  • lucysarah93
    My birthday is 27th September and I would love to lose my first stone by then (14 pounds)! I'd already set this as my goal anyway :)
  • sullivan1011
    sullivan1011 Posts: 28 Member
    i would love to participate. My birthday is October 11 and I would like to lose 23 pounds by birtdhay.
  • Lisahill5
    Count me in! Oct 12 I want 25 lbs gone!
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    Count me in!!! October 20... 11 weeks till my birthday... I'm 160 lbs now... Goal is to reach 145. That's a loss goal of 15 lbs, or about 1+1/2 lbs a week. I CAN DO THIS!!! How? Aim to reach my daily caloric recommendations minus 1, exercise 4 hours a week, abandon the wine and cocktails, drink 8 glasses of water each day. :bigsmile:
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    October 2nd for me! I want to be 200 (or less) hahahahaha... stranger things have happened I guess, realistically though... 210! So that's 21 pounds. Add me you beautiful LIBRA people!!!
  • tcpowell25
    tcpowell25 Posts: 292
    I'm willing. My birthday is October 19th and I plan to lose another 16 pounds by then. Tell me what to do.