


  • LeCitron
    LeCitron Posts: 71
    I'm in the same situation with my mother. Though my anorexia was over nearly six years ago she still asks if I'm getting "obsessed" about food or if I'm "eating enough." Sometimes I feel like I have to stay at my current level of chub just to keep her stress levels down (and it's not like she discourages she idea either.)

    When it comes to family you pretty much have two options: deal with the annoyance and just reassure, reassure, and reassure. Or you can bring them in on your weight loss journey. I'm telling my mother most all about my dealings with this site, my weight loss goals, and what I'm eating. I would suggest trying to get your dad in on the "fun." Trying new recipes is always a good way to breach the gap. Explain to him what you're doing and the health benefits of your weight loss journey. I once created a PowerPoint presentation just to show my family the plan I was on and that I was the one in control of my eating/exercising. Oftentimes, if you bring up the issue scientifically there's not much arguing that can be done.

    Good luck!