
Hello, i'm new to this site. Let me tell you a bit about myself...
I am a dancer, i take ballet, pointe, and lyrical jazz currently. As you know the school year is starting soon and so are the fall dance sessions. I will be taking 3 lessons a week when the school year starts, and i think it would be beneficial for me to lose a little. I know i would dance better and i would perform better in the nutcracker performance in December. Now for the statistics:
Height: 5ft 4in
Weight: 96-97lbs
Goal weight: 80-85lbs
I would love to reach my goal by September 6 (that's when fall dance sessions start)
So i was just wondering what you think of my goal weight, thanks.

P.S. if you have any suggestions/tips for weight loss for me i'd love to hear them.