


  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Avoid sugar and processed foods like cereal bars and crackers. These spike your blood sugar then drop like a bomb leaving you starving!!!

    Someone suggested almonds (raw unsalted) also get some protein powder and learn to whip up a quick low cal smoothie. Both will satisfy. To kill cravings, drink small quantities of water with unsweetened lemon and/or grapefruit juice.

    Good luck!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    While I agree you probably should eat a bit more, I am also aware that 1200 calories can fill you up IF they are good calories. They need to be nutritionally dense. Lots of fresh veggies, lean protein, low fat diary, a couple of pieces of fruit and healthy carbs (brown rice and sweet potatoes), and healthy fats (nuts and avocado) can go a long way! But that means that the rest of the stuff has got to go....
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Maybe you cannot do 1200. I CAN NOT! I rather lose 1lb a week and be functional than try to lose 2lbs a week and try to eat 1200. I failed every time I did that. I slowed down my goal, as long as I reach it I suppose it will all work out. I got headaches and was tired all the time at 1200 but I am fine at 1600. And even that I find difficult. I do not think I would make it daily if it weren't for exercise calories. You gotta figure out what's best for you.

    Exactly. If it's too hard, you won't stick with it. I'd rather my diet was "easy and slow" than "fast and hard".
  • apatrick106
    apatrick106 Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you all!! I have taken notes from everyone and will make some changes and find what works for me! Everyone has been really helpful!!