I am NEW and wanted to Say Hello

JoMommaG Posts: 2
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everyone, I am not New to the dieting roller coaster but I am new to this site....I started this journey 2 years ago the day after Christmas. I told my self I was going to lose 80lbs and get healthy....My diet has consisted of eating Healthy and Excersise when I can....I am really strict for 3 months and then relax for a month and then strict again for 3 months and relax for a month and so on......Well I have lost 60 of those pounds and have bounced back and forth with 5 pounds for the last 6 months....I decided now is the time to lose the last 20lbs that I promises myself I would lose. I have a 40 Hour a week Job and a Part time home sales job, I am married, and I am a Mother of 3 Teenagers that all play sports so in other words, we are never home....Eating at the ball games and eating fast food are the worst things I could do but yet that is what seems to happen 4 nights a week....I am very outgoing with my friends and family, I love camping, boating, fishing and all that outdoor stuff.....So that is my quick short story.


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