Obese Child? They'll be taken away!



  • Dmax12
    Dmax12 Posts: 36 Member
    ...I don't feel like putting one on a diet while the other one eats dinner.

    Sit down and talk to your girls about it individually (or leave the skinny one out all together) she if she wants to loose weight, and offer support to do so, she might be an endo-morph body type and has a harder time thinning out, thats life and will require different eating and excersize styles than say an extomorph (sounds like your other daughter)
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I think the OP was way off when they say "they don't love their children" because a lot of obese people equate love with food. Their child complains that they want chocolate cake, will cry about it or whatever, and they feel bad that the child is suffereing from lack of sweets, so they give in a give them the cake. Its extremely tough when the parents are obese, because the children learn their habits. Should the children be taken away? HELLL NOOOO!!!! Being fat is the lesser of two evils than foster care where they could get molested/beat/starved because some foster parents only accept children to pay for their drugs/alcohol. I do think that the government should have a free fat camp for low income families and a low cost fat camp for those who are middle class, and while the child attends fat camp, then the parents must attend nutrition and health classes, so when the child comes home they don't slip back into old habits the parents set in. And they should ALWAYS have a free nutrution class, maybe even a cooking course, so the parent and maybe even child can attend together and actually get hands on experience.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    There is no proof the the child would be better off. Ever seen the foster care program?

    I'm not adopted but I am well aware of the things people/kids go through in Foster Care.. and not everyone is as 'nice' as they appear to be to social workers.
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    I feel like obese children are the result of lazy parenting. It's almost child abuse in my eyes, having the child be so unhealthy. And to think of the hard life they will have. Parents should try to raise healthy kids. But unfortunately so many people/parents are not healthy themselves. They don't care. And they don't care about their child's health either.

    How can you make such a blanket statement like that? Living a healthy lifestyle and raising children is very difficult. Sometimes people make poor choices, but that doesn't mean they don't care about their children's health. Or their own. People need educating, not punishing.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Wow okay, when I was two years old I looked like I was five because I was so overweight. Do you honestly think my parents were shoving McDonald's and unhealthy food down my throat at two? If you do you're outside your mind. There are a million factors that can contribute to being overweight/obese. You are terribly uneducated and it's just plain sad.

    What's next you want to take my son away because he's Deaf and we don't make him wear hearing aids?
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    ALthough on the flip side...if the child gets taken away from their parents at a young age they might slip into a deep form of depression and actually get more obese. They might end up with sever mental health problems. I think that the whole family needs to be rehabilitated TOGETHER rather than ripping families apart. This could be a horrible chain reactive type of problem either way unless the family unit all decide to get help together. That would include counseling and healthy lifestyles of course. With regular frequent check ins. Just a thought.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I definitely think the state needs to step in. I don't feel they should necessarily take the children right away, but I think a case opened and a plan set in motion to be sure that parents are educated and start doing what needs to be done. There are not enough foster homes as it is, and kids living with drugs get left in the dust. But definitely something needs to be done. I can't even tell you how many Five year olds I have seen in classrooms that are as round as they are tall, it is HEARTBREAKING!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Also what about children who break bones by skating and falling? Obviously they have neglectful parents. What about children who are fed poor nutrition, but not a lot of it? That's still not healthy. Parents that smoke in the house? They shouldn't have children either.

    Now while all of these are obviously harmful to children, that isn't what's being disagreed upon. It's that anyone thinking taking children away from their parents is somehow a good alternative for any problem. Also, this bull**** of blaming the individual instead of taking into consideration the plethora of environmental factors that can play a difference.

    Oh and include women who don't breastfeed or parents who take their children to daycare to get sick all the time, the nerve.

    GAWD how I wish I was single and childless, it would make it so much easier to remember everything wrong with people who had kids. NOT.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Wow okay, when I was two years old I looked like I was five because I was so overweight. Do you honestly think my parents were shoving McDonald's and unhealthy food down my throat at two? If you do you're outside your mind. There are a million factors that can contribute to being overweight/obese. You are terribly uneducated and it's just plain sad.

    What's next you want to take my son away because he's Deaf and we don't make him wear hearing aids?

    You are perfect.............that is all.....
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Some people are pretty quick to make a rash judgement here.

    Maybe we should come down on the Grocery industry, because it is more expensive to provide healthy foods than it is to provide packaged starchy foods. Some families are doing all they can do to priovide for their families but can't afford the healthier alternatives.

    My point is this. Every situation is different. There is no formula for 100% effective evaluation.

    If someone decides to take my children away, don't bring a scale. Bring a platoon of Marines and automatic weapons.

    Keep the Government out of my Home!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Wow okay, when I was two years old I looked like I was five because I was so overweight. Do you honestly think my parents were shoving McDonald's and unhealthy food down my throat at two? If you do you're outside your mind. There are a million factors that can contribute to being overweight/obese. You are terribly uneducated and it's just plain sad.

    What's next you want to take my son away because he's Deaf and we don't make him wear hearing aids?

    You are perfect.............that is all.....

  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Wow okay, when I was two years old I looked like I was five because I was so overweight. Do you honestly think my parents were shoving McDonald's and unhealthy food down my throat at two? If you do you're outside your mind. There are a million factors that can contribute to being overweight/obese. You are terribly uneducated and it's just plain sad.

    What's next you want to take my son away because he's Deaf and we don't make him wear hearing aids?

    Of course we should. He probably slept in the same bed as you at one time or another too and you might have let him have a drink in bed at some point too. Man, the horrors we all put our children through. That farm idea is starting to sound better. We can't mess them up if someone else is doing it for us!
  • Dmax12
    Dmax12 Posts: 36 Member
    SOOOO everyone seems judgemental, simply answer this.

    Would you rather have your child (Sibling, grandchild, etc) go through some trama early in life, or increase the chance GREATLY that they die young with health problems?

    I think thats the core of whether they should be taken away.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Any of you ever been through the foster system or know people who have been? Before we start taking kids away from their parents and putting them in foster care they should fix the foster system.

    How is taking a depressed kid away from their family helping?
    Lots of medical conditions/food intolerances cause rapid weight gain, and doctors don't diagnose them correctly (I am an example of this) with my Celiac.

    The government ruins enough things, it shouldn't take families apart. Why not blame McDonald's instead of the parents? Or the food industry in general?

    Why not start with mandatory meetings/classes for these parents? Why start with ripping apart a family?

    Actually, both of my parents came from the foster home system. No, my parents did not have ideal lives growing up, but their original situations were worse. Growing up, my family housed foster kids as well...I always had "brothers and sisters" in our home, so I have definitely seen both sides of the system. I'm not saying foster care is ideal, but SOMETHING has to be done, because the USA is the ONLY nation in the WORLD right now whose children are dying before their parents because of unhealthy lifestyles TAUGHT to them by said parents. Maybe taking children away is extreme, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

    1. Thanks for being a good foster home

    2. I think that this starts a dangerous trend. What about the girls whose mothers make them do pageants? who make them diet their entire childhoods, will they be removed from their families as well?

    I understand desperate times and desperate measures, I just think that maybe before removing children from their homes the families should have classes. What happens next? Fat people will be prevented from having children so the government won't have to step in and remove their future children later?
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I think growing up on a farm would be very nice.

    Maybe for some, but I grew up with hayfever and asthma. I dislike being out in nature for too long, allergy meds or no allergy meds. Where should I have grown up, Heather?

    We will have special indoor farms for the kids with allergies. We will call them...factories. You can assemble cars and such. :happy:
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    I love how so many people are jumping the gun with comments like "sometimes its genetics", "sometimes its a disease" ... well then OBVIOUSLY that is not the parents fault and those children should not be taken away, they should be worked with. But I would guess that about 75% of the time it is bad parenting. Where I work families come in and feed their kids whatever is cheap or on offer instead of whats right. Just yesterday for instance i served a kingsize sausage and mash with 6 cumberland sausages and onion gravy to a SEVEN YEAR OLD IN A BOOB TUBE! who ran into the mens toilets and put pepper in her eyes while her vino mum was pissed in the garden laughing her head off ... theres no point being naive, you've got to admit - to every one child with an overactive thiroid, is probably about 3 worlds worst parents out there. Do you remember when Jamie Oliver was trying to promote healthy eating in schools there were four scum bag parents that would come up to the gates at lunch time and sell the kids cheese burgers. Theres so many wronguns out there its unreal!
    I've even been asked for a childs sized lager or cider hahaha!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    By the way.....i have to comment on this personally. I have always been chubby, my mother told me that all the girls in the family were on the chubbier side, then when they hit 12 or so(puberty) they slimmed out and all got nice bodies. Well to make a long story short my mom took off and i went to live with my dad. I have wanted to live with my dad forever, but couldn't because he used to work nights, so he got a day job so therefore i could live with him....i am my dad's only child, and i KNOW he loves me with all his heart. When i lived with him, all he knew hot to cook was spagetti and hamburger helper. So guess what? we ate out A LOT....and my dad always had a fast metabolism....he said at 12 he was a beampole and could eat a whole large pizza to himself. he just has a little pot belly, and still has a large appetite/ So I ate fast food A LOT and ended up gaining a bunch of weight through the years. Should I have been taken away from my dad, who was trying his hardest to raise a daughter on his own. to go to a family of strangers to live with all because i was overweight??? I mean, he obviously didn't love me because if he did why would he make sure i had 3 meals a day, even if they were unhealthy , since he only knew hot to cook two things??/ All i'm saying is no one should judge anyone. Sure i wasn't like MORBIDLY obese, but I was still unhealthy
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    There's just such an unclear line that needs to be drawn. I was over 200 lbs in the 7th grade. That's morbid obesity, but it wasn't my parent's fault. I snuck food into my bedroom. stopped at the icecream shop after school, and spent all of my lunch money on snacks from the vending machine. Things my parents tried to keep me from doing, but that i chose to do. My parents didn't deserve to have someone tell them they're unfit parents and take me away because of things that I did. But but I was a morbidly obese 12 year old girl, so that's what should happen, right?
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    SOOOO everyone seems judgemental, simply answer this.

    Would you rather have your child (Sibling, grandchild, etc) go through some trama early in life, or increase the chance GREATLY that they die young with health problems?

    I think thats the core of whether they should be taken away.

    anyone who thinks a child should go through Trauma, for any reason, including living longer, is just sick.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I think growing up on a farm would be very nice.

    Maybe for some, but I grew up with hayfever and asthma. I dislike being out in nature for too long, allergy meds or no allergy meds. Where should I have grown up, Heather?

    We will have special indoor farms for the kids with allergies. We will call them...factories. You can assemble cars and such. :happy:
