Biggest loser for Xbox kinect

albali Posts: 225 Member
I am having a nightmare logging on the game. I am trying to personalise my own programme and everytime I hover over 'Bootcamp', 'Bellybuster' etc to see what they involve (how many weeks etc) I end up choosing it! Grrr! So, I have had a huff and turned off tonight. My question is for anyone who is using this as a fitness tool; what programme did you choose and how's it going? I know I'd like to lose weight with it (with some toning) so should I choose Bootcamp/Superweight loss??
Any info on any of the progs, I'd be grateful. If I end up 'choosing' each programme I hover over, it will be Christmas before I start!!


  • minita
    minita Posts: 30 Member
    I just tried a pair of sessions with it, at the beginning I tried the personalized program, but then i shifted to super weight loss. On page 8 of the manual that comes with the game, there´s a little explanation of each program. I would say boot camp: detoxing, 4 weeks, marathon: hard exercise-12w, new you: beginners, 4w, super weight loss: losing weight fast, 12 w, slimming weight loss: toning, 8w, enlightenment: yoga, 12 w, belly buster: tone stomach, 12 w, beach buns: slimming butt and thighs, 8 w, armed and dangerous: arms and chest tone, 8w, fighting fit: agility, 12 w.

    I decided to lose weight first, and then focus on the specific ones for toning, but stopped exercising and just restarting again. This game can drive you nuts, I know, something similar happened to me, but once you start, it becomes fun. What I like is that the sessions aren't the same, circuit training once, then yoga the next one, then some boxing routines, etc. so you don´t get bored with the same routine, but you have to consider that once you start with the exercise, there's no "pause" or "stop" option, you'll have to finish the time you've chosen since the beginning (20, 30, 60 min). I believe that if you select the time further than 20 min, it will repeat, 60 min you'll do the same routine two or three times. You can also select the muscle you want to work more, this you can do it whenever you want without losing your program. You can also adjust the difficulty of your workout.

    Hope you finally select one and start enjoying it. Actually I will continue with mine too =)
  • I have only been using the program for about 4 days and I started with super weight loss. I like it so far, but I am also do this in conjunction with 30day shred... I would play around and try a few indiviual session that are different from the program you signed up on and see how you like it. You don't have to stay with the program you started. The problem I have with the program is that I can't specify no floorwork...I have terrible knees and I can barely do the pushups on the 30 day shred, but with the biggest loser they have me do more floorwork than my poor knees can handle and I end up skipping a few of the exercises because of it. I hope you find one you like, and stick with it. It is fun once you get into it.
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    Thank you both. This is very helpful. I will definitely try again later. It sounds great. once you get past the start!!!
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