Totally insulted by little kid at the pool?

I know this is petty of me but it really did bother me.

I regularly lay out in the sun by the pool just to relax (with spf!)

well today I was laying out when a dad came in with his 3 young kids (ages 7-10 ish).
So I'm laying there and as they come in one of the boys looks at me and says "ew, gross!"

I was so embarrassed and ashamed that I immediately grabbed my towel and left.
I don't feel like I look too awfully horribly bad. I've seen plenty of women out there larger than myself.

I know kids have no filters. But I can't help feeling hurt by this.


  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Little creep.:mad:

    If it makes you feel any better, I would give my right arm to look like your profile picture :happy:
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    With kids it might not have been how you looked, it could have been your bathing suit he didn't like, or just the fact you had some flesh out... I know my son thought girls where gross in general until he was about 11.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    It's ok. I asked my little sister how skinny she thought I was (she's 6).

    She said, "Well maybe you should work out more. You're just a little fat"

    LOL I felt bad for a couple hours but afterwards I thought. Well someone told me the truth! :)
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Kids can be mean!!
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    7 to 10 years old? Maybe they just don't like girls yet. Maybe he was saying "Eww!" because you were a female that was unclothed.
  • maryzcontrary
    If kids have no filter, it's because their parents didn't teach them any. My children would have never, EVER done that - unfortunately, it's a sign of the times - we are creating some of the most self-centered, narcissistic young people in the history of man.

    I am sorry that happened to you. I despise that, and had I been the dad, there would have been a public a**-spanking. Politically correct be damned!!

    By the way, I see your profile pic and see nothing gross. The kid is an *kitten*.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    Dont take it personal, I have a ten year old son, and they just act like that even if they like the girl:)
  • RissaDean
    RissaDean Posts: 189 Member
    I'm really sorry that happened - you're not gross at all!! I'm enough of an *kitten* I would've made a rude comment back to the kid and probably to the Dad as well.

    Yes, kids have no filters. But parents are supposed to help add a filter here and there. My parents would've given me The Look, made me apologize to the person, and then say two nice things to them.
  • AnotherMichelle
    AnotherMichelle Posts: 110 Member
    You look fantastic (judging by your main picture) I wouldnt let that get to you!
  • 125isthedream8D
    Oh my goodness! How rude! You look fine, little kids can be rude :O
  • broken_star1134
    broken_star1134 Posts: 65 Member
    I totally would have been the one to tell them "Excuse me? That is not a very nice thing to say to people!" At that age, they should know better. I could see younger (2-4 maybe) but it's still hurtful. Their dad should have even said something to them about it. That shows you their parenting isn't what it should be. I'm sorry you had to go through that though. :(
  • jessicahelene
    jessicahelene Posts: 77 Member
    So sorry this happened to you. Once when I was working in retail a little boy yelled out "Look at that big FAT woman!" I died a little I think. Because 1) I was 21 years old and 2) I had already lost about 30 lbs at that point.

    You said it... kids have no filters... However, I think it is somewhat bad parenting too because I was raised to not judge people on their appearance and would've gotten in big trouble if I said something like that in public.

    Anyway, don't let it get to you. You look great already and you're here taking a step toward even better health and fitness.
  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    Ouch... that's gotta hurt! I know the feeling... I was called "fat *kitten*" by a kid a few years ago, and it still pisses me off when I think about it!

    Kids are mean... But some are worse than others. Try to not let it get to you.

    I'm sure you're not gross at all!!! :smile:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    With kids it might not have been how you looked, it could have been your bathing suit he didn't like, or just the fact you had some flesh out... I know my son thought girls where gross in general until he was about 11.


    My ten year old thinks I am "gross" in a bathing suit, and I weigh 108. He also days "gross" if my boyfriend and I kiss (not slobbery either, just a little kiss)

    It's a young boy thing, not a weight thing.
  • debutante81
    debutante81 Posts: 1 Member
    Try not to be offended. I have 4 kids under 6 yrs, and they just blurt whatever they can think of- and unfortunately its not always nice. I focus alot of energy as a parent on teaching my children to think before speaking and to use kind words. And I agree with the previous poster, I would love to have the body in your profile pic, you have nothing to worry about because of some punk kid's thoughtless comment.
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    My cousin's foster son asked me why I was fat. He was five. I was... um, well, that's a pretty darn good question! Don't let it get to you. Kids really REALLY don't understand the effects of their words, nor do they often even follow logic, when they say or do things. PLUS your profile pic is gorgeous, so who cares what a little munchkin says? If it's hurtful, it's not helpful!
  • carlxo21
    carlxo21 Posts: 143 Member
    wow everyone thanks for your help and support. I do wish the father would have said something. I know my parents would have scolded me harshly if I had ever said anything like that as a kid. I think those kids just think all girls are "gross" at that age.
    I should have said something, but I was overcome with embarrassment at the time. Next time I might whip out a "That is very rude! You need to learn some manners!!"

    *sigh* I do feel better now. My boyfriend just gave me an earful about how little boys are completely blunt and everything girlie is gross lol. He also gave me a little "what a little brat! I would have....." talk haha

    thanks again. I couldn't do it without the support!
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    Kids have no filter, my son called me fat not too long ago, and i was about to cry.. He's 9 Im the same height and weight as you. I know everyone with a little extra skin probably looks fat to him. We had a serious talk about calling anyone fat..
  • thebuxompilgrim
    thebuxompilgrim Posts: 53 Member
    Since you don't know what he was grossed out about, let it go. It may have nothing to do with your weight or how you look. It might simply be the fact that you're a girl or that you have girl parts. It's a weird age for boys...he may not be interested in girls yet and, therefore, has no frame of reference for judging a woman's body or he may have an overactive interest in women that his parents have tried to quell by reinforcing that "girls are gross!"

    If he said, "Ew, gross! Look how fat she is!" or if he was over the age of 16, I could understand feeling a little hurt but if that's not the case, get over it.

    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt

    Be a brave, strong, confident woman, regardless of your shape and size. We all have hurdles to jump and mountains to climb but the biggest obstacle to overcome is yourself.
  • lbelfrey
    lbelfrey Posts: 63
    I agree. At that age little boys do think girls are gross especially naked girls. (not that you were naked) In a couple of years he'll be the complete opposite. Lol!