Finding My Way Back

rklein71 Posts: 112 Member
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I signed up on last spring. I thought it was a wonderful way to keep encouraged and stay on track. The first couple of weeks were great. I was watching what I was eating, exercising regularly, and losing weight. Then, I began to slide on keeping track of my food. I got busy and quit exercising. Now, it has been approximately 8 months and I am actually GAINING weight. I have a lot of other stressors in my life right now, and I am turning to food as a coping method. And the worst part? I absolutely know that that is what I am doing and I feel like I do not have the power to stop it. I was watching Dr. Phil today. The topic was about overweight children. Dr. Phil asked the parents of the children if they thought that changes could be made that would allow their children, and themselves, to lose weight through exercise and better eating habits, or if they felt they were doomed to be fat forever. I began crying, realizing that, for myself, I honestly do not believe I can do it. I work two jobs, a total of about 60 hours per week, plus I go to school full time. I do not have time to eat properly, I am too tired to exercise, and I cannot give up anything that would allow me more time to do the right thing. Please, someone, give me some advice. Let me know where to start. Maybe if I can get started... otherwise....


  • rklein71
    rklein71 Posts: 112 Member
    I signed up on last spring. I thought it was a wonderful way to keep encouraged and stay on track. The first couple of weeks were great. I was watching what I was eating, exercising regularly, and losing weight. Then, I began to slide on keeping track of my food. I got busy and quit exercising. Now, it has been approximately 8 months and I am actually GAINING weight. I have a lot of other stressors in my life right now, and I am turning to food as a coping method. And the worst part? I absolutely know that that is what I am doing and I feel like I do not have the power to stop it. I was watching Dr. Phil today. The topic was about overweight children. Dr. Phil asked the parents of the children if they thought that changes could be made that would allow their children, and themselves, to lose weight through exercise and better eating habits, or if they felt they were doomed to be fat forever. I began crying, realizing that, for myself, I honestly do not believe I can do it. I work two jobs, a total of about 60 hours per week, plus I go to school full time. I do not have time to eat properly, I am too tired to exercise, and I cannot give up anything that would allow me more time to do the right thing. Please, someone, give me some advice. Let me know where to start. Maybe if I can get started... otherwise....
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    have faith in yourself! of course you can do this! Don't have tiem to eat healthy? it takes me about 10 minutes to make dinner- heat up the george foreman, throw on some chicken breasts, throw some frozen veggies in the microwave, slice and butter some rolls, and off we go. Eating healthy doesn't have to be a ton of work, just choose foods reasonably, exercise when possible, and watch your portions. I know you can do it :flowerforyou:
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    I know EXACTLY what you are saying. I don't have 2 jobs or going to school but the stressors are there. It sounds like we rode the same wagon down the hill and now it is time to climb back up. We may have a few dips in the path but I am completely with you. It seems within the past month I hav blown up like a baloon and with all the food around Thanksgiving and Christmas, I know I am in for a long ride but we can do this!!!! We will do this!!!!
    Have faith!
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Your just going to have to take it one day at a time. Start by just watching your calories. If trying to fit in exercise is to much for you then don't it. And if your eating something not so healthy only eat half of it. If you can fit in some walking during the week do that even if it's only 15 min. at least it's something. Slow and steady wins the race:flowerforyou: You can do this:heart:

  • NB_Lady
    NB_Lady Posts: 107 Member
    First of all, be proud of all of your accomplishments and give yourself a pat on the back for everything that you ARE doing right!:flowerforyou: Plus you're already on the right've lost weight and really do know what you need to do to keep it up.
    Maybe you can start by replacing some of your unhealthier choices with healthier and easy ones (ie.yogurt or fruit is an easy and healthy option for snacking). I know it takes a little planning but stay positive and you can do it...........

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