Help I'm not getting anywhere!!!!

Hi i am about to throw the scales out the bathroom window and go live in my sugar cupboard and eat myself fat again!!!!! I exercise every week and eat reasonably healthy everyone has their slip ups and am getting no where keep bloating out to 79kgs and then getting down to 76kgs the next week and just keep doing this cycle and I don't want to hear maybe that's what your weight should be for ur frame cos that's **** I want to be 69kgs is that to much to ask? any advice would be great :mad: :explode: :cry:


  • Lisamariemlt
    Lisamariemlt Posts: 101 Member
    change things up
    change your exercising
    throw your menu for a loop and eat lots differently



    don't jump in the sugar bowl
    I know the feeling
    I was here
    thought I was doing well
    was for a bit
    then thought what the heck
    now I'm back and doing things differently
    and good luck
  • jonniemarie1
    jonniemarie1 Posts: 77 Member
    she's right.... definitely change up your workout! also, where exactly are your problem areas? that could help you a lot, in terms of knowing which foods to cut out!
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Are you tracking everything? And I mean EVERYTHING? My last scale issue showed a gain of 2.2 lbs, which I then lost with half a pound 3 days later. The suspect was 2 packets of soy sauce that I didn't log. I got the roll but forgot those! Sneaky salt. Which made me wonder: how many other sneakers were there?.....and I found vitamins, throat drops, and crystal light with calories. But most importantly, keep logging! When I don't I gain weight like crazy. And I changed my profile pic because it is hard to look at it and not be motivated.

    PS-I can tell you personally it is harder at 29 than it has ever been, and I am not exaggerating 1 bit. Mom says it gets worse when you get older, and she may have a point. The body doesn't change as quickly, but it will change :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    wat kind of exercise and calories are you intaking.

    have a look at this website and see what it comes up with...

    its helped me alot as i was thinking 1200 was the go to calorie intake for loosing weight... wellll guess wat its not!!!

    lay off drinking heaps of water....
    there is really no reason why our bodies need anymore than about a litre of water a day. give it a break for afew days and see how you go. also watch the sodium if you havent put it on your diary to look at then add it.
    it helps alot and could be a reason.

    im EXACTLY the same gorgeous.
    i have been hovering around the 77-79kg makr for AGES!!! i just want to be 67kg and i know i can get there.
    its our bodies being dumb!
    try the things ive suggested its wat ive found to be quite good and im at my lowest since begining of 2010!
  • MiaMcBetty
    If you haven't been eating back your excercise calories - start now! It's really helped me, I was stuck on about 75kg and now that i'm eating most (nearly all) of my exercise calories I'm dropping the weight off each week. Have lost at least 2kg in 2 weeks since I've started doing this.

    Read this... I found it really helpful (slightly complex explaination but you can get the point and get some useful information from it too!)

    Good luck !
  • amycavanagh
    amycavanagh Posts: 22 Member
    thanx for all ur help have added the sodium to see if that's it my trainer says that I should be having 1600 cals a day instead of 1200 but the whole michelle bridges thingie is based on 1200 cals and u don't eat back ur cals that u burn there is so much confusing information I'm thinking of cutting out processed carbs to see if that makes much difference but that mite send me crazy!!!!