Can't seem to lose the last 15 pounds...

I've been dieting/eating healthy for the majority of my life. I'm 5'3", and stand at about 140 pounds. My ultimate goal weight is 115, but the scale just does not seem to be budging from 140. I figured that this website might help motivate me to workout more, eat better, and lose the rest of the weight that I need to lose. Everyone and anyone can feel free to add me, I could definitely use the support!


  • 4x4n8
    4x4n8 Posts: 29
    HUGS! I know it is not easy and can be frustrating! I have been stuck for almost 10 months now. Not fun. I added you as a friend. I figure even if I dont lose any more, at least Im healthy and active, etc.
  • BeckyReba
    BeckyReba Posts: 43 Member
    i am on here to lose/keep off my last 10/15 pounds too! :) feel free to friend me!
  • I've been dieting/eating healthy for the majority of my life. I'm 5'3", and stand at about 140 pounds. My ultimate goal weight is 115, but the scale just does not seem to be budging from 140. I figured that this website might help motivate me to workout more, eat better, and lose the rest of the weight that I need to lose. Everyone and anyone can feel free to add me, I could definitely use the support!

    I recommend you check out "Stripped" by Tosca Reno. You definitely want to make sure you're consuming ENOUGH calories, that was my biggest challenge when I began a clean eating lifestyle because I no longer eat processed foods or eat fast food and also limit the amount of sugar in my diet. I am also 5'3" and my goal right now is to end up at 120, from there I will see how I feel and may remain there or may push it to 115. I don't want to lose my curves, just the fat :0)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I've been dieting/eating healthy for the majority of my life. I'm 5'3", and stand at about 140 pounds. My ultimate goal weight is 115, but the scale just does not seem to be budging from 140. I figured that this website might help motivate me to workout more, eat better, and lose the rest of the weight that I need to lose. Everyone and anyone can feel free to add me, I could definitely use the support!
    Well you indicated "motivate you to work out more and eat better" so you've just now figured out why the last 15 won't go. Gotta want to do it.
  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    All you got to do is just follow what calorie intake MFP suggests you and drink lots of water:-) Feel free to add me :-) everybody here is doing great and so can you.................

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Jholt47
    Jholt47 Posts: 20
    Try the Spike Diet/Spike84 plan of eating less carbo's during the day to force more fat usage, and then having a weekly spike day (double your base metabolic rate) I love it personally and I've seen my in-shape friend get ripped doing it. This way tricks your body into keeping metabolism high and lowers your muscle burning hormones like cortisol.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Welcome! I am in the same boat and stuck for 6 months gaining and losing the last 10 pounds! I will add you! Good luck
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Try adjusting the ratios of your macronutrient (carb / fat / protein) calories. People will tell you it's just about eating fewer calories than you take in, but that's just not true for many people. The KIND of calories you eat matters, too. Your body will process a protein calorie a lot differently than a sugar calorie. They both give you energy, but the chemical reactions involved are quite different.

    Most people I know who have been successful on here have played around with lowering their carbs and raising their protein. It depends on how efficient your metabolism is at processing different types of calories.

    My doctor has me on a pretty extreme ratio, for health reasons: 5% carbs, 30% fat, 65% protein. But you can start with a small adjustment and see how your body feels about it. Just go in and, whatever the settings are at now, manually lower the carbs by 5 and raise the protein by 5.

    Also, *when* you eat makes a difference. Carbs give you instant spikes of energy. Protein gives you steady, slow-burning energy. So eat your carbs right before a workout, and your protein spread out throughout the day.

    Best of luck to you!