

  • Soulbird81
    Oh my goodness!!!! I did a lower body workout last night, and my legs and my behind are KILLING ME!! I can barley walk!!!

    Is there anything I can do to make them not hurt so much? It hurts to move :sad:

    I too went through this same situation this weekend....I literally could NOT move and even in my sleep when I would move I was in pain. I upped my water and I allowed myself my rest days off (even though I usually still do SOMETHING even on these days). I can also tell you that not moving made it worse when I did try to move. The second day was worse than the first day but today I woke up and made myself get right back at it and I am nowhere near as sore as I was.

    I highly recommend that you ensure you have correct body form so that you're not injurying yourself. I would rather do less and do them correctly than do more and do them all wrong!!

    Another thing that may help, besides water, is bananas :) The potassium will help you with aches. Pop a couple of ibuprophen, take a hot bath and relax...then get right back at it tomorrow!!

    My boyfriend (he is a MMA fighter and has always been fit) is found of saying "Pain is weakness leaving the body".....that is something that I keep in the back of my head at all times. Just remember, there is a difference between the pain that you experience from pushing yourself correctly and the pain that you experience from pushing yourself to an injury that can keep you out of the game for a long time.

    OHHHHH, and also make sure that you're adequetly warming up and cooling down...this will help your muscles tremendously. Yoga is awesome for this and I always end my evenings with at least 30 minutes of vinyasa yoga :) If you have Netflix, check out Candlelight Yoga from Crunch

    Good luck!!
  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    Thank you for all the suggestions.
    I took a hot bath with some "cold and sinus" bath salts, which smell like icy hot, and they have a really neat affect in the tub, kinda like icy hot feels.
    No one reminded me how hard it was going to be to get IN and OUT of the tub lol.
    Then I took a cold shower.
    Went for a 20 min walk, felt like my legs were going to give out, but I went.
    Going to do some stretching, and I always drink a lot of water (10-12 cups a day) so I think I'm good there. I'll take some ibuprofen when I go to bed tonight.

    Definitely not injury related, just a lot more of a lower body workout than I have done in a while, lots of squats and lunges :/ ugh. I am going to remember this next time I decide its a good idea to do it lol.

    Thanks for all the help
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    Nice job. Another thing you can try for next time, if your gym has a sauna, go in there after your workout for a few minutes and then try to do a little light stretching in there. If they have a pool too, alterate going from the hot for a few minutes to the cold for a few minutes.

    Don't be worried if you gain a few lbs for a few days. Every time I start something new, it shocks my muscles so bad the areas actually swell with water as if injured. When it was my core muscles especially, this did not look too flattering. But it's only temporary.
    I am going to remember this next time I decide its a good idea to do it lol.

    No! Push through, and very soon you will either have significantly less soreness, or possibly even none at all. You should remember it if after that point, you ever think about quitting, now that you know how it will be at the beginning if you have to start again. :)
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    haha this could be me! did ripped in 30 for the first time... my quads are screaming!

    Magnesium helps a LOT... I forgot to take it and I am paying. take some magnesium before you go to bed after your next workout...

    and great job!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    bananas bananas bananas!

    My doc told me to eat one before bed when I was pregnant to relieve leg cramps. It works for all sorts of muscle pain! Replace your potassium...vitamins are good but not as good as a banana
  • dkb228
    dkb228 Posts: 73 Member
    I did day 2 of the 30DS today, so I know how you feel! I just keep reminding myself that it will hurt less as I become stronger and thinner. And until then, I'm stretching, drinking water, and about to pop an ibuprofen so I can get some sleep. And most importantly, I'll be doing day 3 of the shred tomorrow, regardless - quitting now would mean my pain was in vain. And if I'm going to put up with this burn, I better stick with it long enough to see some results! :smile: