To Go or Not To Go....that is the question!



  • ChelseyL1015
    I know you have tons of answers; and maybe this is reiterating some of them. Your health is for YOU, not anyone else. I'm not a skinny minnie and I joined the gym recently, now that I go I see people in different places. Those who are fitness buffs, those with some to lose, and those with a lot to lose, everyone is at a different place. Once you get in the swing of it you realize their all people like you trying to attain a goal whether maintaining the goal, or reaching hard for it. Be encouraged whether you want to stay at home and do a video or if you want to go to the gym, but you are scared. Like Nike, JUST DO IT!!! (-:
    This makes a lot of sense to me. Thanks so much!!
  • ChelseyL1015
    Quite honestly, I don't pay attention to other people unless I'm on the treadmill, and then I'm a people watcher,

    BUT. I am never, ever negative. I absolutely admire everyone who stopped whatever they were doing and took the time to go to the gym. If they're fit: Great! Their work has paid off and it shows what I am capable of. If they're on the other end of the spectrum: I am filled with so much happiness that they are taking steps to improve their health.. I seriously want to give them hugs and tell them so, but I would be known as "that weird hugging chick".

    GO TO THE GYM. :) I'm proud of you!!
    LOL I loved "the weird hugging chick" part!!! You're a very positive person and don't seem judgmental, unfortunately the world is not all like you. If they were then I'd be in the gym everyday cause' I'm a hugger too :) Thanks!
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    If it's a money issue, there are plenty of exercise demos on (another diet website). Though I don't use there food tracker anymore I will go on to get new exercise ideas, the little demo videos are great. And they have a slew of calisthenic type exercises that don't require weights.

    If you're techie, I periodically use Wii Fit Plus, and I've heard lots of great things about EA Active and EA Active 2 and the Biggest Loser video game.
    Games I've been given and never played again "Daisy Fuentes Pilates" and "Jenny McCarthy's Your Shape." (Daisy Fuentes was clunky and felt more like powerpoint then video game; Jenny McCarthy's was actually not that bad BUT it uses a little web cam with a terrible refresh rate to track your movements--they show you doing the moves on the screen next to the bit you're supposed to follow and the camera lagged behind AND showed me how dirty my house was AND how fat and ackward I was while doing the moves--NOT GOOD. I found the on screen way to distracting and there was no way I could find to not show the video on the screen while working out.)

    Tips I've heard for lose skin are thus:
    1) Don't lose the weight too fast, your body won't have time to reabsorb the extra skin (more than 3 lbs a week).
    2) Lifting weights can help tighten skin as you go.
    3) Drink lots of water, so you skin stays hydrated.
    4) loofah or exfoliation helps with circulation and cell turnover in your skin (always a good thing!)

    Keep up the hard work! We're all rooting for you!
  • tnkhart
    tnkhart Posts: 72 Member
    Take a look at Turbo Fire. You can do it!!
  • ChelseyL1015
    If it's a money issue, there are plenty of exercise demos on (another diet website). Though I don't use there food tracker anymore I will go on to get new exercise ideas, the little demo videos are great. And they have a slew of calisthenic type exercises that don't require weights.

    If you're techie, I periodically use Wii Fit Plus, and I've heard lots of great things about EA Active and EA Active 2 and the Biggest Loser video game.
    Games I've been given and never played again "Daisy Fuentes Pilates" and "Jenny McCarthy's Your Shape." (Daisy Fuentes was clunky and felt more like powerpoint then video game; Jenny McCarthy's was actually not that bad BUT it uses a little web cam with a terrible refresh rate to track your movements--they show you doing the moves on the screen next to the bit you're supposed to follow and the camera lagged behind AND showed me how dirty my house was AND how fat and ackward I was while doing the moves--NOT GOOD. I found the on screen way to distracting and there was no way I could find to not show the video on the screen while working out.)

    Tips I've heard for lose skin are thus:
    1) Don't lose the weight too fast, your body won't have time to reabsorb the extra skin (more than 3 lbs a week).
    2) Lifting weights can help tighten skin as you go.
    3) Drink lots of water, so you skin stays hydrated.
    4) loofah or exfoliation helps with circulation and cell turnover in your skin (always a good thing!)

    Keep up the hard work! We're all rooting for you!
    Great advice new friend! And you made me laugh with the camera lagging! :)
  • ripped4life1
    You're welcome!! Good luck on your journey, wishing you the best!
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    There are a lot of great workouts you can do at home. Walking is good, but you will also need some strength training, especially of you want to avoid a ton of excess skin. While lifting weights does help with loose skin, it is inevitible that you will have some once you lose a lot of weight. The amount you have, I believe, depends mostly on your genes. I have heard a lot of good things on here about 30DS, which combines cardio and strength training. It is by Gillian Michaels. Personally, I love pilates, HIIT, and free weight lifting. I can't afford a gym membership, but even if I could, I'd still work out at home because it's easier, especially with two little kids.