LADIES!!! Help please!



    KKFITJOURNEY Posts: 4 Member
    I am obsessed with Skinny Cow products. They make really yummy chocolate stuff. I reach for those when I have a craving. Like everyone said, exercise and water. The crystal light flavor packs really help me to drink tons of water and they are only a few calories.
  • brown220
    One of my favorite things to eat that satisfies my hunger for something sweet is, 1/2 cup of 0% greek yogurt, 2 Tbls. agave, 1/2 cup organic frozen blueberries. It's SOOO yummy, has a good amount of protein, plus takes care of my sweet tooth. Also, it only works out to be a little over 100 calories. Hope it helps!
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
    I have gradually incorporated legumes (chick peas, red beans, lentils etc.) to my eating habits and it has helped me so much!! They contain lots of protein, fiber and iron (often women are slightly anemic during their periods). If you don't like them, you can gradually develop your taste by adding them chopped into smaller pieces or puréed in soups, salads, spaghetti sauce...

    I try to curb my sodium carvings salt by controlling my portions, but having something I want anyway or substitute for a healthier option (which I make sure to keep in stock - just in case :wink: )

    Hope that helps! :flowerforyou:
  • 3trees
    3trees Posts: 71 Member
    I give in to chocolate, but try to keep it in moderation. I also do pre-emptive eating. I'll have a slightly higher cal (good cals) breakfast and lunch with high protein content and that helps me feel sated at the time of day when the cravings would come (for me, it's worst in later afternoon/night). That really helps me.

    But sometimes, it doesn't work. Then, I try to let myself have a taste of something but not too much. More exercise helps for reasons already given.
  • MiriF
    MiriF Posts: 21 Member
    Some great advice here! If I find myself really fighting a craving, I go brush my teeth and toss on a set of those teeth whitening strips. That occupies me for a bit. :)
  • powerthree
    The only thing I crave is red meat So I just eat a lean cut.
  • karrenbennett
    I know this sounds silly but I have found something that works for me when I have an intense craving. Normally, my cravings are chocolate or something sweet. Normally just a small bit of whatever I'm craving helps.

    To help with the chocolate cravings I buy Viactive Multi vitamins (chocolate flavored). i'll eat one in the morning and then when ever I have a craving for chocolate I'll eat another. Usually I'll eat two a day.

    When I have a sweet craving I'll pop an orange flavored chew for Vitamin C. They taste like the candy orange slices. I'll eat 2 or 3 of these a day.

    I'm thinking of buying the gummy bear vitamins in tropical flavor.
  • Hoteffinmess
    I know this sounds silly but I have found something that works for me when I have an intense craving. Normally, my cravings are chocolate or something sweet. Normally just a small bit of whatever I'm craving helps.

    To help with the chocolate cravings I buy Viactive Multi vitamins (chocolate flavored). i'll eat one in the morning and then when ever I have a craving for chocolate I'll eat another. Usually I'll eat two a day.

    When I have a sweet craving I'll pop an orange flavored chew for Vitamin C. They taste like the candy orange slices. I'll eat 2 or 3 of these a day.

    I'm thinking of buying the gummy bear vitamins in tropical flavor.

    I would OD on vitamins for sure!!! Thanks for all the advice!
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Great topic!

    I don't have a sweet tooth except for TOTM which is really annoying! I force myself to go and do a workout at the gym (which I never feel like doing when that time rolls round) and then afterwards I'll indulge in a bit of what I fancy - generally ice cream. That way I don't feel *too* bad about having something sweet :)