Unrealistic Weight Gain



  • The values for MFP for protein is low. I would say 1 gram per pound of body weight. I am betting you've lost quite a bit of lean muscle tissue since you're calories are set low based on your body weight. I tell people to eat 400 calories over their BMR if they are consistent exercisers and they lose weight.
    And yes, it's not uncommon for people who diet too hard to eat some denser foods and retain the weight for 5 or more days. Especially if it's a "shock" to your body, meaning it's been awhile since your body has had that influx of salt/fat/carbs.

    Thanks for the further response here NinerBuff,

    I am very surprised to hear that the retention / temp gain can last that long........ I am kind of glad to hear it though.

    I am not really sure how to measure loss of lean muscle mass so I can't take your bet.........

    however I can say this..................

    I have been doing strength training 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for close to 9 months.....

    When I started strength training I was doing 2 sets of 10 reps of 80 pounds on the bench and now I am doing 1 set of 20 reps of 140, 1 set of 20 reps of 170 and 1 set of 10 reps of 200. I don't limit myself to the bench, I also do curls, flys, leg presses and leg curls, and I have seen similarly increased performance on all fronts. I use the weights one morning a week.

    On my second strength training day I avoid the weights and do Pushups (standard, wide-arm and diamond), Flutter Kicks, Sit ups, Pull ups, lunges and 1 "new and exoctic" excercise which I usually pull off of U tube. The number that I do in the time alloted has multiplied on all counts.

    On my third day of strength training I do Astanga Yoga with a resistance tube, and resistance band. I keep it fresh and do a variety of routines, but I have definetly noticed that I am way more stable than when I started. I used to jitter and bounce and really hurt.......... now I am rock solid balance and can hold even the more advanced position without much bouncing.

    I can also see (like visibly see) seriously increased buffness and defintion in my arms, even thru the fat and loose skin.

    I mean my arms aren't cut like yours by any means, but they are no longer bubbles of flabby disgusting fat either..... and when I flex its firm.

    This of course may simply be that they are leaner than they were.......

    I think I am gonna do some "then and now" pics on my profile if I can find any from "then" lol

    Of course you are probably right, I probably have done some damage to myself thru catabolism, but, hopefully its not undoable.

    Thanks very much for the proffessional advice, its really nice of you to share your expertise with someone who is struggling. I appreciate it !
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member

    Thanks for the further response here NinerBuff,

    I am very surprised to hear that the retention / temp gain can last that long........ I am kind of glad to hear it though.

    I am not really sure how to measure loss of lean muscle mass so I can't take your bet.........

    however I can say this..................

    I have been doing strength training 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for close to 9 months.....

    When I started strength training I was doing 2 sets of 10 reps of 80 pounds on the bench and now I am doing 1 set of 20 reps of 140, 1 set of 20 reps of 170 and 1 set of 10 reps of 200. I don't limit myself to the bench, I also do curls, flys, leg presses and leg curls, and I have seen similarly increased performance on all fronts. I use the weights one morning a week.

    On my second strength training day I avoid the weights and do Pushups (standard, wide-arm and diamond), Flutter Kicks, Sit ups, Pull ups, lunges and 1 "new and exoctic" excercise which I usually pull off of U tube. The number that I do in the time alloted has multiplied on all counts.

    On my third day of strength training I do Astanga Yoga with a resistance tube, and resistance band. I keep it fresh and do a variety of routines, but I have definetly noticed that I am way more stable than when I started. I used to jitter and bounce and really hurt.......... now I am rock solid balance and can hold even the more advanced position without much bouncing.

    I can also see (like visibly see) seriously increased buffness and defintion in my arms, even thru the fat and loose skin.

    I mean my arms aren't cut like yours by any means, but they are no longer bubbles of flabby disgusting fat either..... and when I flex its firm.

    This of course may simply be that they are leaner than they were.......

    I think I am gonna do some "then and now" pics on my profile if I can find any from "then" lol

    Of course you are probably right, I probably have done some damage to myself thru catabolism, but, hopefully its not undoable.

    Thanks very much for the proffessional advice, its really nice of you to share your expertise with someone who is struggling. I appreciate it !
    It's not improbable that anyone starting a strength program start off light and work up. I current have a 60 year old male who when he first started could barely bench the bar and now a month later can rep with 165lbs. That's 120lbs increase in 5 weeks which is great.
    Just keep at it. Make sure that you're eating enough so you don't slow your metabolic rate down too much. I know it's great to see results, but I can tell you time and again that people who lose fast, are usually the same people who'll gain back a good amount of weight once they start eating some foods they used to.
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