Feeling Frustrated

I have been reading so many inspirational stories on here about how people have lost 60 and 70 lbs, but I'm just trying to lose 5-7 lbs and I just can't seem to do it. I've been trying all summer and I just get so frustrated. I'm working out but I'm not really losing pounds. I started out doing Ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels, but it was so intense I got burned out on it. For the last week, i've been doing the elliptical for 15 mins 3 times a week, along with crunches, situps, pushups and lunges. My clothes still don't fit and I get so depressed because I can't wear anything I used to wear a year ago which makes me feel ugly. And when i get frustrated, I eat a lot of unhealthy foods that are so bad for me. My friends aren't very motivated to be healthy and we go out to eat a lot and it's so hard to say no to things. I just feel losing weight and eating right is so complicated and I'm not even sure I'm doing it right. I feel really weak, Ugh.


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Losing a few pounds is HARD!
    If you are exercising you might like to start measuring yourself so that you have another goal rather than just weight.
    Or, perhaps set yourself a goal of so much exercise per day, so many days without donuts, no alcohol days/weeks, healthy breakfast days ... you get the idea.

    Getting healthy isn't all about the number on the scale. If you start focusing on some of these other things you might be pleasantly surprised that you are feeling better and losing weight too.
  • I took a peek at your diary and was wondering do yop drink water? I don't see any logged. Also it seems like your settings are too low for losing such a small amount of weight. Do you eat back your exercise? Maybe you feel weak because you need more fuel. For myself if I don't eat adequately I feel weak and lightheaded and dizzy.
  • eat breakfast!
  • ashcroft37
    ashcroft37 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I am in the same boat with not much to lose but this is the hardest part. I have stuck at it for 3 weeks and not lost anything on the scales, but i do believe i am losing inches. So what i'm trying to say is stick at it because it might not show on the scales but it will be working. Dont be to dissapointed