what to eat before workout?

I have always neen told to eat carbs prior to workout to give body fuel andd protein after to repair muscle but I just heard its better to work out on an empty stomach. Which is it?


  • sgrinavi
    sgrinavi Posts: 80
    Depends on your goal, if you are trying to gain then eat before and after, if you are trying to lose then get up and workout on an empty stomach, eat a small meal of fast acting carbs and protein after.
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    To some degree I think it depends on the person, I get up early and work out the last thing I want is food. After my work out I have a small GF breakfast and then a healthy GF snack mid morning.
    Go with what feels right for you and good luck =)
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Depends on your goal, if you are trying to gain then eat before and after, if you are trying to lose then get up and workout on an empty stomach, eat a small meal of fast acting carbs and protein after.

    Man where do you get this BS from? COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. It does NOT matter if you eat before or directly after your workout. What you think I won't gain if I eat 5 hours after a workout, but am eating in a calorie surplus?

    Meal timing is IRRELEVANT. You don't have to eat 5-6 times a day to "stoke the metabolic fire". You don't have to eat every 2-3 hours. You don't have to eat before a workout. You don't have to eat and consume protein direclty after a workout.

    As long as you get your daily calorie intake every day and hit your macros, you will reach your goals.

    Period. Let's stop the broscience please. Srs.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Depends on your goal, if you are trying to gain then eat before and after, if you are trying to lose then get up and workout on an empty stomach, eat a small meal of fast acting carbs and protein after.

    Man where do you get this BS from? COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. It does NOT matter if you eat before or directly after your workout. What you think I won't gain if I eat 5 hours after a workout, but am eating in a calorie surplus?

    Meal timing is IRRELEVANT. You don't have to eat 5-6 times a day to "stoke the metabolic fire". You don't have to eat every 2-3 hours. You don't have to eat before a workout. You don't have to eat and consume protein direclty after a workout.

    As long as you get your daily calorie intake every day and hit your macros, you will reach your goals.

    Period. Let's stop the broscience please. Srs.


  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Depends on your goal, if you are trying to gain then eat before and after, if you are trying to lose then get up and workout on an empty stomach, eat a small meal of fast acting carbs and protein after.

    Man where do you get this BS from? COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. It does NOT matter if you eat before or directly after your workout. What you think I won't gain if I eat 5 hours after a workout, but am eating in a calorie surplus?

    Meal timing is IRRELEVANT. You don't have to eat 5-6 times a day to "stoke the metabolic fire". You don't have to eat every 2-3 hours. You don't have to eat before a workout. You don't have to eat and consume protein direclty after a workout.

    As long as you get your daily calorie intake every day and hit your macros, you will reach your goals.

    Period. Let's stop the broscience please. Srs.



  • byukid
    byukid Posts: 55
    Except you're ignoring the fact that what you eat right before and during your workout are immediately used as fuel and to build muscle. So I would rather someone have high quality carbs and protein before and during than to not have anything. There may not be any pubmed studies on it, but there are plenty of trainers who have worked with plenty of people who have great results with this.

    meal timing the other parts of the day may be irrelevant, but to maximize your performance (and stave off muscle loss) intra-workout nutrition is extremely helpful.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Except you're ignoring the fact that what you eat right before and during your workout are immediately used as fuel and to build muscle. So I would rather someone have high quality carbs and protein before and during than to not have anything. There may not be any pubmed studies on it, but there are plenty of trainers who have worked with plenty of people who have great results with this.

    meal timing the other parts of the day may be irrelevant, but to maximize your performance (and stave off muscle loss) intra-workout nutrition is extremely helpful.

    Guess I'm not gonna build muscle then because I trained fasted and my first meal is 4 hours after my training. Those trainers that told you this....are morons.

    It does not matter as long as you get your protein requirements for the day and your calorie intake is correct.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I eat half a banana before my morning workout just for some quick carbs (energy). It seems to help me finish my workouts with more intensity.
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    i think theres something to be said about what you THINK works best for you. theres a huge mental component to working out - i have a friend who has a huge meal right before he works out and still gives it 110% at the gym.

    as for eating every 2-3 hours, i think this may be necessary for athletes or very active people.. i dont have a legit source, just read it on a bodybuilding forum


    btw thanks for the info joe - i didnt realize this either
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Also I didn't say that people shouldn't eat before and after. Do whatever floats your boat. The point is, it's not neccessary to OCD about eating right after a workout.

    You will still build the same amount of muscle as long as you get your protein intake correctly and your calorie intake correct depending on your goal.