should i

i earned extra 715 cal due to excires to i need to have or leave them to lost weight


  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    A lot of people are going to tell you you have to eat them, or that you shouldn't.

    My opinion? You need to find out what works for you! If you're really hungry eat some of them back! Or try a week of two of eating half of them back and a week or two of not eating them back and see what makes you feel better, what helps your weight loss etc.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Everybody is different, i find that if i dont eat to at least within a hundred of my goal i dont tend to lose as much as when i do.
  • Tracey_Smith
    Normally, if I feel hungry then I eat. If I don't feel hungry then I don't bother :smile:
  • mike737
    mike737 Posts: 68
    I eat my way back to 1200cals net. Normally cause im quite hungry. Works for me
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    i earned extra 715 cal due to excires to i need to have or leave them to lost weight

    the link below might help
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    The way MFP is designed to work, you should eat your exercise calories. However, some readings may be a bit inaccurate, so some people choose to eat half or just some of them.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    When I do a huge workout like that, I don't tend to eat all my calories. I leave some in case I've miscalculated my calories and some for the next day. I find the next day, I'm famished.