Homemaker and mother of 2 can't get to the gym



  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    Here are a few things- I agree about going and checking out the Y's daycare. It will do you AND your kids well to get out. Kids need to be socialized, BUT so do you. If you make an effort and spend the money, chances are you will exercise more consistently.
    However, if money is an issue, then doyour exercising at home and get the kids involved as much as possible or use nap time. A jogging stroller is a great idea - they also make this stroller that attaches to the back of a bike so you can cycle if you want.
    I recommend the beachbody turbo series. Chalene Johnson, and theya re for different physical fitness body levels. Start with Turbo Jam, calorie burner and cardio. Next is Chalene extreme - cardio and weights at multiple levels and you don't need tons of equipment. Then there is turbo Fire - you have to be in great shape to do this but also comes at 2 different levels on each disc. Look at Amazon as they are less expensive.
    I also like Jilliam michaels stuff (available at Walmart) Mean burn. The biggest loser ones - final workout, and walk are great.

    Good Luck
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I watch my 4 & 8 yr old g’kids & I run on the treadmill sometimes when there are here. (They watch iCarly in the same room when I run.) If you have FitTV, record a series & stick to it. (Reviews are just someone’s opinion, btw.) The kids can join along or should I say, play along. You can also watch a regular show & hula hoop to it or exercise ball to it. Make it fun, but just do something! Good Luck.

    (PS:I live in a small town without a gym.)
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I do all my workouts at home...no need to leave the house when I can do everything I need to stay in shape in the comfort of my own home.

    Kudos on Insanity, btw! I do all mine at home too.
  • Holmfridur_Gestsdottir
    Check out www.bodyrock.tv - really good website with great workouts and diet challenges.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I have four kids and will only be going back to work this fall. I have been working out 6 days a week for the last 2.5 years and a 3-4 days a weeks for about a year before that. Between kids i would just get back in the swing of hitting the gym when I would be pregnant again and on bedrest...The gym childcare is strange at first but a God send once you find if you can trust the ladies. When I had my fouth the ladies were morons and would hold my son up to the window so he could see me and that would get him crying because he wanted me...when they just let him be he was fine.....oh well...my son made it clear that from 6-10 months he wanted nothing to do with the childcare...so I would only go when all my girls were going to be there too...the sisters would keep him happy for long enough for me to squeeze in something. Amazingly a new woman joined the childcare and she was a mother to 6 and grandmother to 20 some kids...she figured my little guy out and it was awesome. I could work out for 2 hours. When I can't make the gym work I do something...walk with the kids...get a bike trailer and take them for a bike ride. I do DVD's...i have a whole bunch. 10 minute solutions DVD's are nice...as there are 5 10 minute segments that you can program on the DVD player which segments and what order you want them in...that way if you can only squeeze in 10 - 20 minutes you can still get something done...or you can stretch them out to over an hour if you want...tae bo is fun and a great workout...30 Day Shred are good and short workouts. ...oh another thing I do...is I use the stairs in my house...I do ten up and downs with pushups or jumping jacks at the top or bottom....if the kids are sleeping I might do 20 sets....but remember all those exercises you did in gym class...the calisthenics...toe touches, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, pushups etc...make a routine for yourself...I do it all the time but I am nuts...just move as long as you can...I will do 50 jumping jacks after I empty the dryer....then 50 more after i put the wet clothes in the dryer....I will do torso twists when or march in place while doing dishes.....you can make it work if you want
  • KellysDiet78
    hi.. its def hard, but not impossible!! I like you used to tell people I had 'no time' for the gym, what with a young daughter and working full time, but there is a way i just didnt make time for it.
    there are some excellent dvds out there so there is no excuse.
    even if you are busy busy at home there is the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.. it only lasts 20 mins, so everyone can fit that in..
    i set my alarm early and get it done before my daughter wakes, or i do it when she's sleeping.. the good thing about this dvd is that you dont need a huge room either.. there's hardly any running around so you dont need the space, but boy do you sweat !!!!!.
    also i love love love the 5 to 20 mins muffin top burn off - so you will need to order that online.
    the hardest part is just starting it.. and to stop thinking you dont have time..
    by the time you've sent this email out and read everyones replies you could have fitted in a 20 min dvd !! hahah
    good luck !!! xxx
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member

    playing with them at the park. Most parks around here (New Jersey) have exercise equipment next to the swings and or jungle gyms. Are they at the age you can do your thing while keeping an eye on them while they do theirs?

    They make Jogging strollers to take the little ones with you on a jog/walk

    treadmill at home. you can pick one up pretty cheap either a cheap model from store, or used from craigslist.

    Calisthenics!!! this can be done anywhere! living room floor... bedroom floor... park... anywhere!

    Bike riding. Again, depending on the age of your kiddos.... kids love riding bikes... if they are too little... maybe try this:


    have to enjoy this weather while we can!

    Good luck!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I lost all my baby weight at home with 2 babies under the age of 3 with workout videos and a set of dumbbells. The most important thing is consistency and a good diet.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    The daycare at the gym won't be strange once you check it out. And you're right there!

    This. I love the childcare at my YMCA. It's usually the same staff, they know my child by name as we walk up, and I'm right upstairs if I'm needed. He has fun, gets out of the house, plays with other kids and different toys, and mom and dad get their workouts in. It's an ideal situation.
  • DelightfullyWifed
    OKay so I didn't read through all the posts but make your daily chores into workouts. For example - when doing the laundry instead of taking out clumps of clothes and throwing it in a basket to take to your room and fold on your bed, do a squat down and grab one piece, fold it and take it where it belongs. If it is a drawer, do a squat to put it away. Do that for every piece in the dryer. Think about how many times that will be, how many extra steps. When doing the dishes same principles, wash one dish squat down to put it in the dishwasher, don't bend over. When emptying the dishwaster only take one piece at a time. You can do this for a number of normal chores. Have fun with and see what you can come up with.
  • marcicol
    I am also a mother of 2 that never felt comfortable with the gym daycare. I get up early during the week (say 6 am during the summer and 5 am during the school year) and workout with DVDs. I love anything Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper put out. I also started p90x 6 weeks ago and LOVE it. It is a great workout that makes you feel like you are going to the gym. I will say the first week or two of working out that early is tough, but if you stick with it, it gets to where you love it because of the added morning energy. You also get to add in some extra calories early. :) Another option, if you prefer the gym, is to get up before your husband goes to work or after he gets home. Try some of these suggestions and you will figure out a time.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    There's a gazillion folks on here that made amazing progress just through DVD programs. I love hearing about how folks kids will follow their moves, get out their own wee dumbbells, etc.

    As folks said earlier, if your kids are small enough you can take them in jogging strollers on walks/runs. I see decent strollers regularly at consignment shops and thrift stores.

    For me, I love the gym and love getting that break in the day for time that is absolutely devoted to me. With that said, I know it's easy for me to say "go gym!" now that my youngest is the ripe old age of 4 (and loves the crap teevee and lovey old ladies that come with an hour of kid room playtime). I do get that leaving pre-verbal tots with minimum wage earners and a Barney show on the teevee bolted to the wall can be a bit of a leap. For me, it's worth the extra screen-time my littles are exposed to in order for me to be more fully present with them the remaining (constant) hours I am with them, all the livelong day.

    If the gym issue is truly one where you are uncomfortable with leaving them because of concerns regarding their care, why not talk to other parents who leave their children there. Also, talk to the child care staff about your concerns and let them know your parameters re: "good care". I was never comfortable with my toddlers crying in a strange place without me, if I could help it, and I asked them to call me (they did the PA system at my gym back in FL) if my boy-kid was fussing. This gave me a lot of peace of mind. Believe me, they don't want to keep a sad babe if they know there is a mama ready and willing to scoop and go. You can ask for a trial period at the gym for just this reason...."I don't know how my kids will like the child care." Some places even have video monitors that you can check to see that things are okay.

    You have valid concerns but none of them are brick walls to getting to move with intention every day.
  • TheresaRichardson
    My children remember waking up to me exercising to DVDs in the living room several times a week. Was in much better shape in those days (went from PT to FT when they got older). All of these suggestions are great. I agree - 'how bad do you want it?'

    Good luck! :smile:
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I do all of my workouts at home. I work full time and have a 2 year old. If I can find time you exercise, certainly you can as well. I like the 30 day shred my Jillian Michaels. It is a 20-25 minute workout. Quick and you get great results. Get you a running stroller and take your kids with you. I put my son in his wagon and pull him along behind me while I walk/ run. He needs to fresh air just as much as I do. This may sound harsh, but you really have to quit making excuses and just do it. Once I did that, I lost all the weight I wanted plus some and am in the best shape of my life. I've got a long way to go in terms of fitness, but I am a lot further along than I was yesterday.
  • biederwoman
    biederwoman Posts: 26 Member
    I'm loving all these responses! I'm a stay at home mom of three. I often use the excuse that it's hard to get everyone ready and get to the YMCA. (We checked out the daycare at ours and have gotten to know some of the people who work there. Our kids always have fun. They will often take them outside and do fun things with them like an obstacle course!) It's just that though, an excuse! I also have the Xbox 360 Kinect (demos are great!) and really enjoy being able to work out at home. Much better than a video and it really gets your heart pumping! Thank you for your post! I have gotten a lot of great ideas from it :)