First 2 days.....What a killer!

The first day was a total fail for me and yesterday i only went over my calories by 11. Its hard only having 1200 calories a day. I havent been excercising yet and will start going to the gym tomorrow.When do you start seeing results? What can i snack on thats low in calories?


  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    I love string cheese, it fills you up and is protein. Also fruits and vegetables, and anything with fiber, but make sure you are drinking water with all the fiber other wise you have not so nice bloating. Good luck!
  • The results will come quickly. Just remember its a lifestyle change and the scale does not tell you who or
    what you are. The nike commercial says just do it: That is your slogan....because you will and are doing it and the
    scale will surpass you wildest dreams!!! Have a great day today; be encouraged and know you are doing it!!!!! :)
  • jess9897
    jess9897 Posts: 30
    The first few days can be hard, don't fret too much! Everybody is different when they start seeing results. For me, it took a little time, mainly because I'm a tall girl and weight loss on me isn't very noticeable. Also, working out helps the process a lot! It will allow you more calories during the day to take in from what you burned in your workout. I usually take in close to 1500-1600 calories a day because I work out quite a bit. If you are like me and love sweets, "skinny cow" makes a lot of products that are low in calories and taste great!

    Good luck!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I personally couldn't just eat 1200 calories a day. It's soooo low. Adding exercise will be VERY helpful. Adding those calories gives wiggle room. I'd maybe set my goals a little lower, so it's not such a blow. Going from our *regular* eating to 1200 can often feel too unattainable to do long term...and that is what this needs to be...long term. Apples are great to fill you up at only around 80 calories. Lots of water obviously. High protein/fiber. No DIET foods. It took me too long to learn this. A special K 90 calorie bar is NOT a good snack. It's low in calories but is all carbs and sugar...caused me to have a sugar spike and then crave more food. So almonds/fruit/string cheese, low sugar protein bar is good for a snack. I make HUGE salads with a lean protein for lunch and that fills me right up. Lots of veggies!!
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    Welcome to MFP! Don't be too hard on yourself at the beginning - I was surprised just how many calories I was eating on a daily basis before I started counting. I've only been on for two months now, and know that it didn't take long at all to adjust to the new calories.

    Be sure and eat a good breakfast - and include a protein. I find that if I skimp during the day, I get hungrier at night.

    Snacks - be sure and drink water, and then add in some fruits and veggies for snacks. I also found I needed carbs more in the beginning than I do now. Rice cakes are great.

    Good luck - you will find so many friendly encouraging people here to help you along your way!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Oh, and get out the tape measure!
  • abernier
    abernier Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I had to get used to 1200 calories too and it was hard. Try eating a serving of fruit with your breakfast and see if that helps. I am already seeing results. 20 min on the elliptical will give you more calories to work with. I just started back this week..

    Good luck, you can do it.