
I need some advice, pointers, words of wisdom, or something, because I'm kind of frustrated! I have been working out very consistently and have been eating relatively light (only a few splurges :)) but have stayed under my calorie count. I've actually been running a lot more the past two weeks (anywhere from 3-6 miles per day), and I have still not seen any results on the scale or in my clothing. Granted, the scale is not going up so that's good, but it's not going down either. I'm not currently not doing any kind of weight-lifting, but plan to start next week with a new routine courtesy of a fellow MFP member. I know that will help with inches more so than weight, which I'm okay with. I'm just puzzled as to why I haven't seen any results. Any thoughts or suggestions would be great!


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Hard to give any meaningful advice without being able to see your diary!

    You did mention portion control as an issue on your profile - how have you been dealing with that one?
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    I think by adding some weights and changing your exercise routine you'll see results. when I hit a plateau, if I change up my exercise routine and trick my muscles, I will see more movement on the scale...
    I'm speaking from the weightloss journey from before I had a baby...I've just begun the second journey about 2 weeks ago!!:smile:
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Sometimes the numbers aren't actually what they should be especially if you are using a machine. If you could get an HRM, you might get some different numbers. If you aren't hitting a 3500 calorie deficit by the end of 7 days, then you aren't working out hard enough or cutting back on your food. 1 pound=3500 calories. That's an average of 500 calories per day.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I think by adding some weights and changing your exercise routine you'll see results. when I hit a plateau, if I change up my exercise routine and trick my muscles, I will see more movement on the scale...

    This exactly! I have pretty much given up on the scale, but after strength training for a month, my clothes are definitely feeling looser. And I'm seeing muscle definition where it never was before. For me, the running stopped working after a while. The strength training, with a run once a week, is giving my body the shock that it needed. Don't give up - just keep trying new things.