One step forward, two steps back

Hey all

This is actually my very first post. I have been using My Fitness Pal for quite awhile, but haven't been the best at updating. I went through a really really great period at the beginning of the year losing 40 pounds. This was during a "Biggest Loser" type competition at work which was nice because I felt like I was helping out in a team like atmosphere. Of course that ended and I tried to start a competition which was going ok until one of the people got sick and we pretty much stopped.

Then I ended up having to get a vaccination which required me to stop swimming (my favorite exercise and which works wonders for me) for almost a month. I tried to do other exercises like biking and run/walking during that time, but my heart wasn't in it.

I am from Minnesota and happen to work for the state of Minnesota. In case anyone out there doesn't realize the significance of that, I was also laid off for 3 weeks in July.

I am definitely a stress eater which with all of this meant, that even though I was trying to exercise, I was stress eating and not tracking my food and managed to gain 10 pounds back in that month and a half time period!

I am just so frustrated especially when I came back to work and went from wearing my comfy shorts everyday to find that alot of my work clothes which were almost way too big now fit again. :-( I wish my husband was a bigger help, but he hates the gym and hates swimming even more. I sometimes feel guilty about hitting the gym after work because it takes time away from my family, but I know that is the only way I will be able to get where I need to be. I am definitely in a better mood which motivates me.

I can now swim again and have begun my training again. I will try my darndest to track my food and make better choices. I would love to have some people as friends to help keep me on track. I used to be in the military, and when I see pictures of my self back then and look in the mirror now I am embarrassed and angry at myself for letting it get to this point.


  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    Don't worry! You gained ten pounds back! Whoopty doo! That is nothing compared the awesome job you did losing all that weight! You retained 75% of your weight loss, which according statistics is 75% more than most people retain. I, for one, have lost and regained the same weight again multiple times. My battle is not with weight loss, it is with consistency and food management. I think you learned an awesome lesson on how stress affects you. Use this experience as a learning tool and plan what to do NEXT TIME a stressor comes up. In addition, even though you can swim again, find a second favorite exercise as a back up plan. I am VERY proud of you! I think you are doing wonderful, considering that you have motivate yourself. Set backs happen to all of us all of the time. However, the difference between the ones who can keep on going is a back up plan.


    P.S. Don't be embarrassed about wearing your old clothes, it happens to a lot of people on their weight loss journey. In no time your old clothes will be falling off again:)
  • hannahcf
    hannahcf Posts: 64 Member
    Well done for getting yourself back on track and good luck in getting to your goal - use the support on here, it really helps.